14 ; college?

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Arizona State University
-1 month later-

Arizona State University-1 month later-

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"See you tomorrow?" Kelsie, a girl in my writing class, asks as we're walking out.

After breaking up with Sam, I decided I should go to college. I had originally planned on taking a year off after high school, and the timing of everything ended up working out perfectly. I figured getting an education was step one of making a life for myself. I was majoring in English, and I had plans of becoming an elementary school teacher.

"Yeah," I reply with a smile .

She starts walking towards her next class and abruptly stops when she looks behind me. A smile spreads across her face and she gives me two thumbs-up and wiggles her eyebrows. I quickly turn around and meet the gaze of Kyle, her older brother.

"Hey," he greets, flashing his perfect teeth.

"Hey," I say, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

Kelsie and I had become fast friends, and she introduced me to her brother at our first college party. He was nice, but he almost seemed too-good to be true. He dressed like he was in an Abercrobie catalog, and he was good at everything he did.

"Can I walk you to your next class?" he asks.

"I'm going back to my dorm, actually." I explain, sending him an awkward 'I'm sorry' smile.

"I'm headed the same way," he laughs. "I just wanted an excuse to talk to you."

"Oh," I say, smiling when I notice a slight blush appear on his cheeks. "I mean, we can still walk together."

"Great," he smiles, and we start walking.

We talked about our plan for our futures, and I learned that he was studying to become a neurosurgeon.

"I don't think that's ever something I could do," I laugh. "It's too technical for me."

"I see what you mean," Kyle says. "I guess it's just always seemed like something I needed to do."

"What do you mean?" I ask him.

"The people you're operating on are putting their lives in your hands," he explains, looking deep in thought. "It would be so amazing to save lives. Does that make sense?"

"Yeah," I answer, thinking back to every hunt I've ever gone on. "I know what you mean."


Kyle walked me to my dorm, which I shared with a girl named Abby. Before he walked down the hall to the boys' dorms, he asked me out on a date.

Not gonna lie, I did think it was a little too soon to be back on the dating scene, considering that Sam and I had been together for almost a year, but I said yes anyways. I figured that I should just see how things go with him. Who knows, maybe I'd end up liking him.

Kelsie had been trying to set me up with him since I first met her, so I called her right away to tell her the news.

"I'm so excited!" she squealed, making me pull my phone away from my ear.

"I thought you might be," I laugh.

"Where is he taking you?" she asks, and I can picture the excitement on her face.

"I don't know," I answer. "All he said was that he was going to get me around seven."

"Oh my god!" she says. "That's only four hours away! What are you wearing?"

"Um, clothes?" I tell her, laughing.

"Obviously!" she sighs. "What kind of clothes?"

"I don't know," I laugh. "I didn't think it was that important."

"Of course it's important!" she says. "I'm coming over to help you."

"Alright," I say. "You can just walk in."

She hung up and I slid my phone into my back pocket.

I pulled opened the doors to my tiny-closet and began digging through my clothes.

I eventually found a few dresses that weren't too fancy, but weren't too casual. The door to my dorm room swings open and Kelsie walks in.

"Hey," I smile.

"What have you found so far?" she asks, tossing her purse onto the floor.

"All of these," I answer, holding up a handful of hangers.

"Go try them on!" she says. "I'll help you decide."

"Alright," I sigh, walking to the bathroom.

When I was down to the last dress, I walked out of the bathroom and twirled around for Kelsie.

"That one's perfect!" she squealed, clapping her hands.

"Really?" I ask, looking in the mirror. "I guess it's okay."

"Can I do your hair?" she asks me.

"What's wrong with my hair?" I laugh.

"Nothing," she says, faking a smile. "It's just.."

"Fine!" I groan.


When Kyle was outside he texted me to let me know. I gave myself one last look in the mirror and let my roommate know I was leaving.

Kyle was waiting in the hallway, and he greeted me with flowers when I left my dorm.

"They're beautiful, thank you." I smile.

"Beautiful flowers for a beautiful girl," he answers, and I feel myself blush.

"You sure clean up nice," I tease, following him outside to his car.

"Thank you," he smirks, opening the passenger door for me.


We ended up going to some fancy restaurant and ordering food that I couldn't pronounce the name of. I could tell Kyle was trying to impress me, and it was working.

He was so different than I had thought he was going to be. I actually felt kind of bad for judging him so quickly.

After dinner, he drove me straight home. He was a complete gentleman, and I called Kelsie right away to tell her all about it.

For once, I felt like a teenager again. I felt normal again.


(edited 2/16/19)

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