5 ; numinous

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Orange County, California

Orange County, California

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Sam and Dean ended up leaving; again.

So I did, too.

They went their way, and I went mine. They went to hunt the supernatural, and I went to live my life. It felt so good to leave. As silly as it sounds, I was free. I could do whatever I wanted to.

But all I did was worry. I worried about what else was out there, lurking around dark corners. I couldn't even watch the news anymore without overthinking things. Did that couple really die in a car accident, or was it something else?

I wouldn't say I was obsessed- I was just curious. I didn't understand how something that dangerous could be so interesting. I wanted to know more, but I didn't know where to start. And to be honest, I was scared to learn more.

Ever since Sam had told me about his nightmare, I wasn't the same. I was on high-alert all the time.

I wasn't scared of dying; I was scared of hurting the people I'd be leaving behind.

My mother was already worried about me. She called me everyday, and most of the time I didn't answer. I felt terrible about ignoring her, but we both knew I wasn't coming back anytime soon. I didn't want to give her false hope.

It had been a few weeks since I left Arizona. I had stayed in hotels, which reminded me of Sam and Dean. I spent my days at the beach, tanning. Or I'd walk along the pier, stopping at all of the little shops. I met a lot of people, but I knew I'd never see any of them again.

I told myself that I wanted something to remember all of this by; something I could find no matter where I went. At first I thought of post-cards, but those were too boring. I ended up deciding that a smashed penny would have to do.

After a long day of driving, I stopped at a new motel. I tried not to stay in one for too long, in case my mom came looking for me.

"Debit or Credit?" the desk employee asked me, a smile plastered on her face.

"Cash, actually." I answer, pulling a few bills from my pocket and handing them to her.

"Okay," she says, counting the money. "Your change is-"

"Keep it," I interrupt, forcing a smile.

"You're in room 207," she smiles, handing me a key. There was a plastic tag attached that had the room number scribbled in blue Sharpie.

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