4 ; nightmares

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Prescott Valley, Arizona
- 1 month later -

Prescott Valley, Arizona- 1 month later -

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"What?" I mumble, opening my eyes. I stick my hand out, feeling around my nightstand for my phone.

"Hello?" I say, not bothering to read who's calling.

"Casey, hey!" Dean says.

"Dean?" I ask, turning on my lamp.

"I told you she was fine, Sam." Dean says, but not to me.

"Dean, what's going on?" I ask.

"Sam was worried about you," he answers.

"What- why?"

"This is gonna sound crazy.." Dean tells me.

"I'm sure I've heard worse," I say. "Just tell me."

"Look, it might be easier for you to hear this in person," Dean says. "Are you busy?"

"Are you kidding?" I ask. "Dean, its two in the morning!"

"I know," he says. "Trust me, you need to hear this."

"Where are you guys?" I ask. "I'll come meet you, I guess."

"That's the thing," Dean says, nervously laughing. "We're not in Prescott."

"Then where are you?"


"Dean!" I groan. "That's like an hour and a-half away!"

"I know," Dean sighs. "Can you get here or not?"

"I don't know," I sigh. "I mean.."

"What?" Dean asks.

"I don't have anything else to do," I sigh. Well, besides sleep. "And you sound serious."

"Tell her it is serious," I hear Sam say to Dean.

"Sam says that it is serious," Dean says.

"Yeah, yeah. I heard," I say. "I'll call you back, okay?"

"Wait, no-" Dean says, but I hang up.

I kick my blankets off of me, getting out of bed. I walk to my closet, grabbing my duffel bag. I grab a handful of hangers, tossing them on my bed. Next I walk to my dresser, pulling out underwear and various pairs of pants and shorts.

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