17 : forgive me

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Prescott Valley, Arizona

Prescott Valley, Arizona

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"Babe, I'm home!" Kyle called. I heard his keys hit the kitchen table, and the sound of his jacket being tossed over a chair.

"How was work?" I ask, greeting him as he walked into the living room.

"It was alright," he answers, sinking into the couch. He slid his arm around me and pulled me into him. "I missed you, though."

I force a smile and stare at the floor. My conversation with Kelsie was replaying in my head. I needed to tell Kyle what had happened, and how I felt. He deserved a lot better than what I had given him.

"Kyle, we need to talk." I say, shifting in my seat.

"About the wedding?" he asks, frowning.

"Sort of-" I say, taking a deep breath.

"If it's about the venue I chose, it doesn't have to be there. We can-" he starts, and I interrupt him.

"Kyle, I can't marry you." I blurt out. He stops mid sentence and stares at me.

"What do you mean?" he asks, his brows knitting together.

"Something happened," I tell him. "And-"

"What happened?" he asks.

"My ex was back in town." I explain. "And seeing him again brought back feelings that I thought were gone."

"So, you can't marry me because there's someone else?" he scoffs, running his hand through his hair. "Are you serious?"

"Yes, I'm serious!" I tell him, raising my voice slightly. "This isn't easy for me to say! I don't want to hurt you."

"So what exactly does this mean?" he asks. "You can't marry me, or you can't be with me at all? Because I still want to be with you. We don't have to get married right away-"

"I'm sure you'll change your mind." I mumble.

"What?" he asks.

"I'm sure you'll change your mind about still wanting to be with me," I repeat.

"Why would I change my mind?" he asks me, and I look away. "Casey, what else happened?"

"I met up with him to take care of something, and I thought it was the last time I was going to see him." I explain. "I was ready to let go, please believe me on that part."

"Let me guess," Kyle says, his tone flat. "It wasn't the last time you saw him."

"He showed up here later that night," I answer. "And one thing led to another and we-"

"Yeah, I think I got that part." Kyle stops me. He sighs and stares at the wall behind me.

"Please say something." I say, breaking the silence.

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