10 ; double take

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New York City, New York

New York City, New York

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I wake up next to Sam, who was naked. I soon realize that I'm also, in fact, naked. Pieces of my night with Sam flash through my mind, and I can't help but smile.

Sam's face was buried in his pillow and he was snoring, which was an oddly comforting sound. His hair was sticking up in some places, and I remembered how it felt between my fingers last night.

I look around the motel room, making sure Dean wasn't back. I wrap one of the bed sheets around myself and get up. I hurry around the room, grabbing the articles of clothing from the floor. I fold Sam's clothes into a pile next to him and tip-toe into the bathroom.

I turn the shower on, making sure the water was warm enough. I quickly toss the bed sheet out of the bathroom and look myself over in the mirror. I looked the same, but I didn't feel the same. The only thing I noticed was a small hickey right below my ear.

I stepped into the shower and relaxed under the stream of water.


"I'm back!" Dean called when he opened the motel room's door. "Did you miss me?"

"You wish," I laugh. "Where'd you go?"

"I just went to a bar," he shrugs, tossing his keys onto the spare bed. "Met a girl, you know."

"Can't say I'm surprised," I say, making him laugh.

"You look tired, Sam." Dean smirks. "Busy night?"

Sam chokes on his breath and I try to hide my laugh.

"We just watched a movie," Sam says, trying to act casual.

"Sure," Dean laughs. "Everyone gets hickeys from watching movies."

I put my hand on my neck, watching Sam do the same.

"How about we go get breakfast?" I suggest.

"Great idea," Sam answers, clearing his throat. "Dean, you hungry?"

"Is that even a question?" Dean answers, grinning. "Let's go!"


We had ended up going to some small diner that, no matter how small or hidden it seemed to be, was packed full of people. We were in New York after all.

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