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I hop up out of bed quietly and slowly trying not to disturb sleeping beauty and make my way over to my bathroom. I spend around 5 minutes in the shower and then brush my teeth    and style my brown curls. After that I get changed into one of my many suits and wake up my baby girl.

"Princess?" I rock her gently.

"Yes dada" shit she's feeling really little.

"Aww is my baby feeling little" I said booping her nose.

She giggles. "Yes daddy" she notices the suit.
"Where you going dada" she says putting her thumb in her mouth.

"Work baby girl" her face dropped and her thumb falls out her mouth. "I'll be back at 4, you'll be alone for 7 hours, do you think you will be okay?" I ask.

She shakes her head. "Can Jackson come over" she asks batting her eyeslashes.

"Of course baby girl, I'll ring him up before I leave okay." I peck her cheek, forehead and then her plump soft lips.  She giggles.

"Can I have a cuddle before you go?" She sticks out her bottom lip. I lie next to her and cuddle before I have to go.

"I really gotta go now, Jackson said he will be here in 20 mins so get dressed kitten, I love you so much bye bye" I kiss her soft cheek before waving good bye.

Woo hoo! Work😑


Jackson arrived. He brought over some comedy films and snacks so we watched a movie with blankets and food.

"Oh no she didn't"
"Damn girl"
"Yes hoe snatch that weave"
These seemed to be Jacksons favourite phrases this morning. I'm not gonna lie he really knows how to make me laugh.

Suddenly I heard a loud knock at the door. I ran to the door and looked through the peep hole to find a very very sad looking Jason. I immediately open the door and embrace  him in a hug.

"What's up?" I ask worried.

"J-jessie sh-she broke up with m-me" he replies through sniffles.

"Oh no, why?" I ask with him following me to the living room.

"Id really prefer if we talked in private" he says looking at Jackson.

"Yeah yeah sorry I'll go to the kitchen" Jackson scurries out.

"Girl you better not be cheating on my boy" Jason says.

"No haha I'm not" I laugh

"Oh okay then who was that guy, he is so good looking" jason says biting his lip.

"Ew gross that's my twin brother" I say lightly smacking his chest.  "What happened with you and Jessie"

"Oh she um said I don't treat her like I used to but who fucking cares your brother is the best looking piece of ass around here." He says once again biting his lip.

"Your gross" I say making fake gagging sounds.

"Girl you gotta get me with him" he says seriously.

"I don't even think he's gay" I look Jason in the eyes and there are no tears there anymore.

"I heard him shout snatch the weave from outside, he is defiantly gay Ari" he says laughing.

"Fine fine I'll help" I say giving in.

"You can come back in now Jackson" I shout opening the door to the living room.

We watch another movie, some Rebel Wilson one. It was very funny but throughout the whole film Jason and Jackson kept sending eachother looks and it was really grossing me out.
Thank god I heard a knock on the door, looked at the clock, 10 past 4, and knew it was daddy.

"Daddy!" I say running into his arms.

"Hey babygirl i missed you so much, but sh does Jackson know I'm your daddy" he whispers the last part.

"Oops I guess he does now" i giggle and give daddy another kiss and hug.

We walk in the living room hand in hand.

"My sister kinky as fuck" he looks at me and I glare back at him. Daddy smirks then spots Jason.

"Hey my man, what you doing here" the do what I believe is called a man hug?

"Uh Jessie broke up with me so I came here" Jason admits.

"Aw man you okay" daddy asks. So caring. Love him.

"Yeah I have my eye on someone else" he winks at Jackson, jackson blushes and looks away. I make fake gagging noises and daddy joins in with me.

11k reads. Thank you my lil corn balls!

It was my birthday 3 days ago wooop woooppppp🎉🎉

Unedited cus cba

758 words😄

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