Chapter 1: liqueur

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Who's excited about the first chapter? I know I am

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Who's excited about the first chapter? I know I am. The Spanish in the first paragraph is a song so don't worry about the translation:) but I'll write what the necessary ones mean at the end of the chapter. Don't forget to vote by clicking the star ⭐️ in the end and comment on what you think 💎
Camilla's P.O.V

The girls danced with every movement full of poetry. Arms waving from side to side, veils hiding their soft feminine features. We swayed our hips in unison while singing the lyrics of the entertaining music. We were all wrapped up in superior clothing, covering our bodies fluently. Enjoying what the crystallographic night had to offer.

"Quero curtir com voce na Madrugada." Screamed my sister in her drunken trance. Gripping on to her whiskey in a protective manner.

"Dancar, polur que hoje vai rolar." Followed Valentina, causing us to suddenly sing jointly to one of our favoured songs.

"Tchetchere tch tch, tchetchere tch tch, tch Gustavo lima e voceeee."

We laughed so hard I could feel in my lungs something so hard that it took my breath away. It was moments like these that I inhabit. The lights dancing across the club with an endless crowd rocking the music, I lived for these moments. The colours laughed around the club from blue to pink to yellow and mauve, causing us all to grow feverish in excitement.

           The smell of sweat and alcohol was a killer as we made our way to the bar ignoring the common thirsty stares

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The smell of sweat and alcohol was a killer as we made our way to the bar ignoring the common thirsty stares.

    Whirling and twirling on the rotating bar stool enthusiastically. I managed to close my eyes for a bit and took a couple of breaths.

"3 Tootsie roll shots please," Valentina ordered winking my way and dared me to shove the daring cocktail vodka down my throat. One quick sip and the alcohol thrashed through my veins.

     One-shot turned into four and the music roared nonstop and suddenly became aggressive to one's ear. I sat back and scanned the room hazily.

      My blurry gaze was briskly fixated on a man I have never seen in this club before. He did not look like a commoner but more of a rich high-class male. Those that are injected with too much arrogance. He had a great suit on I'll give him that. He sipped on his whiskey while a woman whispered seductively into his ears.
Her body exposed to nature and her lean back arched downwards fluently sliding onto his thighs. Something about him was odd. The way he moved uncomfortably, looking around had my senses in the wonder of anything non-vital.

    It was then that I admired him as he nodded his head to a man across the room and stood up pushing the woman away from his sight.

His eyes averted to mine and caught me staring, I didn't make an effort of looking away in fact I watched him saunter towards me never breaking eye contact.

     He reached behind his pants and took out his gun. I smirked and quickly removed mine from my thigh aiming for his forehead. Before I could wrench his face I felt cold metal on my neck.

   The man behind me swiftly held me with the sharp weapon placed firmly on to my exposed neck. I tried getting away from his hold but he was much stronger and bigger.

"Calm down perrito and nobody gets hurt." He hissed in my ears shooting in mid-air. Spanish I thought and it suddenly occurred to me, that there were probably more of him at my father's club.

   Screams charged the room and the clicking of run away heels began.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Shut your mouth!"

"You won't get away with this you know, you won't make it out of here alive." I forced a laugh. "This place is surrounded by my father's men."

       "Shut up or I will slit your throat in half." He whispered angrily looking around at the chaos he has caused.

     "You wouldn't if you wanted to do that you would have done it the minute you had the chance. I'm guessing whoever sent you...needs me alive." I assumed.

    Men were already savaging on to each other. Bullets fired from different angles, body parts were revealed in ripples.

   "I'm serious." I tried to escape his grip but he caused a minor bruise on my neck.

"Perra estupida." He mumbled to himself.

"Call me a stupid bitch one more time and we will switch positions." I fizzled angrily.

    The gunshots that fired next in rapid succession was enough to distract the piece of shit behind me. When he spun around to witness the killing of the men that came with him. I grabbed his neck escorting his awfully gorgeous face forcefully but gracefully because I'm a lady to smash it on my knees.

With my bare hands and a portion of the effort, I spun his head, harking the blare of his head snapping. A bunch of men were already drowning in a pool of plentiful blood. My father's men have managed to execute the last of them that came. Valentina and Adrianna were already seated waiting for my father to come.
    The sound of the door brought us all to halt and the man himself emerged.

His cigar floating on his lips, he inhaled deeply letting the smoke seep into his cells, the ash sprinted across the cement, just as he removed it, he observed the area boringly.

"What happened Camilla?" He inquired to me, irritation vivid in his harsh tone. "Why did my men come to fetch me from my dinner when you all look unharmed?"

"There has been another attack Papa."

Perra estupida~ stupid bitch
Perrito~ puppy

Until next time :p

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