Chapter 38: Down we go

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Enjoy babies!!                      *******************Alejandro's P

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Enjoy babies!!
Alejandro's P.O.V

"I managed to track him down, he is in Russia, but he's not at his compound. According to these structured maps he's in an underground built cottage. Kane managed to get the address from one of the Russians." Carlos said. "He'll meet us at the airport, we should all be ready to fly anytime soon. It's an eleven hour trip, we need to be there as soon as possible."

     "The supplies are ready, we have men waiting for us there and our men here are prepped." Mateo confirmed.

   "Antonio is handling the tickets and Adrianna is talking to the pilots now." Francisca said.

   "It's now or never guys. If this plan fails...we won't make it back in one piece." I sighed.

   "Don't worry, we make a pretty good team." Mateo winked. "But wait Alejandro how are we going to land we can't land at the airport we'll be easily recognized!"

   "Aww you poor thing..." Francisca chuckled. "They didn't tell you?"

   "Tell me what?"

   "Parachutes baby." Francisca smirked.

   "No, hell no, never, what the actual fuck?"

   "What what's wrong?" Adrianna asked him but he just kept glaring at me.

   I couldn't help but smile. "Your sexy strong boyfriend is afraid of heights, jumping from a plane isn't ideal for him."

   Almost everyone in the room burst out in sudden laughter.

   "Everyone's afraid of something." He crossed his arms and held his head high.

   "Yeah, if it makes you feel better." Francisca tapped his shoulders.

     "Anyway..back to the plan."

     "The jets are ready, the men are assembled and it's just us left. So let's get moving." Adrianna commanded.

   "I love it when you tell me what to do." Mateo flirted, grinning wildly.

   "Technically I told everyone what to do and..."

   "Shhh! Don't ruin it."

   Shaking my head I walked out of the house and drove off with the rest following behind.

15 hours later.

So many hours later after finally pushing Mateo off the plane, we checked into a resort to prepare.

We went back through the plan and Kane managed to shut down the camera, replacing it with a footage that was replaying the same scene.

The area around the house was scanned for any bombs or anything important that could be of help.

We drove and parked miles away from the house.

"Are we all settled?" I asked the men through my microphone.

The response was positive.

"On my count,, go."

The men dived into the area, kane led them to areas of the house that were accessible.

Antonio led another army of men at the back of the compound.

Francisca stayed in the van watching our every move and the cameras that showed the interior. She was our lookout.

Mateo and Adrianna were on the roof, messing with the satellites.

I held my breath, calmed myself down and jogged towards the house. I peeped through the window, there was no one but I the heard gun shots around the house. I smashed the window with my boots and dived into the place.

A man suddenly unaware came out of the kitchen and I quickly shot him.

This house was very big and confusing. Too many doors. According to the map, the underground cottage was much larger and complicated. It would need more than just an induction training for a house. It was like a jigsaw puzzle. Most of Vincent's men stayed in the rooms in the cottage. I heard large several footsteps beneath me.

It was going to take a bit of time to get to the cottage. Everyone one of my men was led by someone but I only had one person to lead me.

"Okay Francisca, tell me where to go."


Camilla's P.O.V

"Did you hear that?" Victor silently asked.

I heard it too. Gunshots.

"What the fuck is happening up there?" Diego rose to his feet.

"Call the men, let them come down here." Vincent ordered Victor.

"Why what's wrong?"

"They're here." I managed to chuckle.

Vincent glared at me before grasping on to my skin and pushing me towards the nearest bedroom. Pushing me against the wall clasping the chains around my blue wrists.

"It's about time." I smirked. "It's over suka." And he slapped me hard enough to feel the tingle sensation across my cheek.

   "Shut that mouth of yours and keep still." He threatened.

He left but forgot to close the door fully or did he leave it like that on purpose? Nevertheless I still had the pleasure of enjoying the view.

Several minutes later a relatively large group of men jostled into the hall. All equipped and tattooed with a Russian flag. They lined up and surrounded Vincent. These men were huge and Vladimir pushed past them giving them orders.

"Get ready they will be here any minute now." Vincent talked.

Everything grew silent. No sound was uttered. All I could hear was the sound of their guns.They all stood waiting for action.

As I breathed in and out for the hundredth time, my eyes began to flutter close, my stomach was paining and I could feel my swollen feet, heartburn and cramps. I felt the baby kick a few times.

The doors broke out and the shooting anthem began. I sucked in some air and I let out a scream of pain as another cramp harshly hit me. I lay down on the cold ground and my eyes took into the scene. I tried to get away from the chains but my body was too weak. I had no energy. I charged away forcefully and violently but still nothing worked.

   I yelled and shouted and scram but no one heard my cry for help. They were too busy with the killing and their focus was driven into the slaughter of their enemies.

The shooting turned into a physical fight.

"Give it up Rodriguez." Vincent shouted violently.

I closed my eyes, just for a little while, as pain jolted through my head. It was a numb sensation crawling into me. I rested on the wall, breathing as much as I possibly can.


Until next time babies!!! 💓💓

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