Chapter 31: Dirty Murderer

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I'm back babies !! Don't forget to vote 🗳 and comment 💎 what you think!!
(Btw the difference in this chapter's name compared to part 1 is intended, don't be confused) ENJOY MY BABIES ❤️


  Carlos's P.O.V

      I got back to the compound and decided to shower, my body was drained and I haven't had enough sleep since last night. I made sure Camilla's plan was fulfilled and orders were received to everyone close.

      My body felt energetic after the cold bath and I took a short nap before going to pick Valentina for our date. I have a surprise planned for her, she'll never be able to guess what it is.

     Just after my nap a knock on my door interrupted my thoughts.

   "Come in."

    "Hey you idiot." Camilla's voice boomed in the air, what a welcoming.

    "You never get tired of calling me names eh?"

    "If no one else will do it, I got to." She replied. "How you feeling?"

    "Great actually, I took a brief shower and a satisfying nap, now I have to go see Val."

    "Where you guys going ? Maybe Alejandro and myself can join."

   "No no no...I don't think so!"

   "What? Why not?" She pouted.

   "Because today it's just me and my baby, we are celebrating seven years of sex love and drugs."

   "Nasty but damn it's been that long! What do you have planned?"

   I look a long sigh and asked her to follow me to the living room where everyone else was.

   She looked at me curiously and everyone else turned their attention away from the series and they looked at me.

   "What's wrong? Why didn't you want to tell me in the room?" Camilla asked.

    "Because I'd rather say it all at once than have your big mouth scream and everyone else come to the room in fright." I rolled my eyes at her.

    "What is it meu garoto?" Ma questioned.

   "Something wrong Carlos?"

   "No pops nothing but as you all know today me and Val are celebrating seven years of love..."

   "...and sex and drugs." Camilla murmured but I glared at her as she stuck her long tongue at me.

  "So I decided to...umm..PROPOSE!" I let it out with a sigh of relief and I watched everyone's face light up.

   "Ohhh my baby is growing up." My Mom always the dramatic one started shedding tears and came to hug the air out of me. Adrianna jumped in glee and my dad winked at me.

    "You guys look at pops smile, it's so wide."
She laughed hysterically "Can't Wait to have grandchildren eh papa?" Camilla teased.

    "Why of course it's the legacy that keeps the family running for ages." He replied and we all laughed.

   "Finally your stupid ass is growing up."
Camilla hugged me. "Can't believe my best friend and my brother are getting married."

   "Well she has to say yes first."

   "And you doubt she'll say yes?" Camilla's eye brows arched.


  "Exactly, that woman puts you in your place, she's handled you for too long, was there for you and been with you every step of the way."

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