Chapter 43: It'll Be Okay Baby

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Hey guys !! Soooo ENAMORADO is coming to end soon ! I can't wait to Finish it I'm so excited, it's actually been a long year and a half ! Anyway excuse my writer's block but I'm gonna try and update as soon as I can ! I'm thinking of writing another book if you have any ideas for genres let me know In the comments below ! Love you all 💓.


Alejandro's P.O.V

After getting rid of the bodies I took the first flight back to Moscow. I just wanted to get there as soon as possible. I had to be next to Camilla, holding her hand, caressing her cheek, I longed to touch her and feel her skin against mine.

Carlos decided to stay back so I left by myself. The minute I got there I stopped by a Mexican restaurant and took a cab to the hospital. I rushed to her room. She was still sleeping so I went to see Mateo who was now wide awake and arguing with Adrianna about hospital food.

"Lucky for you I picked up some tacos on my way innit?" I waltzed in and threw the bag at him.

"Ugh you see Alejandro gets it." He rolled his eyes at Adrianna.

"You are supposed to be eating what they serve you on this damn tray so you can get better you prick!" She almost shouted.

"Babes, this stuff nasty, I need this..." he pointed to the tacos. "To get all energetic and do you right on this hospital bed, your so cranky these days." He frowned.

"Oh my god, for Fuck sake." She blushed. Got up and left the room.

"No wait Adrianna I'm sorry, Wait..." he tried to get up but I told him to not bother.

"How are you feeling?"

"Much better. I'm just tired that's all and I want to get the hell of here."

"Well I think they'll discharge you in a week. Since you appear to be very problematic and annoying they'll want you out in no time." I smirked.

"You know it bro." He paused before asking. "How is Camilla?"

"I honestly don't know." I sighed.

"So Diego is dead, that's a bummer...but you are a dad now that's good right ?"

"I can't believe I didn't know she was pregnant, she never told me. What if the baby is not mine?" I thought. It had just occurred to me.

"Seriously dude?" He gave me a long look.

"Vincent and Victor are dead. We have all their properties and business under our names." I blurted out. Maybe changing the topic with ease my mind.

He stopped chewing.
"How did you do it?" He asked and I told him, including every single detail.

"Thank Fuck we're done with that fucker." He muttered. "Now my appetite has increased. Alejandro boo, go get me more food." He smiled and at that moment Adrianna walked in.

"Alejandro, she's awake." And that's all it took for me to be running down the hallway. Almost tripping and pushing people out of my way.

I reached almost breathless. When I strolled inside, our eyes met. Lingering on to each other it was until she burst into tears that my senses came back to me. I held her in my arms kissing every inch of her skin. Wiping her tears and caressing her hair.

"Alejandro..." she whispered. I closed my eyes listening to her voice.

"It's okay baby, it'll be alright." I whispered back.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you...I wanted to Surprise you." She cracked.

I smiled at her and kissed her again. Our tongues colliding in harmony. God I missed this woman.

"Diego..." she frowned as if she was just reminiscing.

"I'm sorry Camilla..." I shook my head but she stayed still, more tears leaving her alluring blue eyes.

"I just can't believe it. First Valentina, now Diego. I mean I know Diego broke omertà but he was only trying to protect me. Me! And I end up alive and he's dead. Valentina..what am I going to do without my best friend Alejandro? I need her here with me to make fun of my brother and hold my baby. Making me laugh and..and.." she stopped trying to find her voice.

"It's going to be fine my love.." I kissed her forehead. "She's watching over you, she wants you to be strong and happy and that's what we're gonna be. I'm gonna make you the happiest woman alive, it's me you and our baby now nothing else."

"That's all I need. You by my side." She squeezed my hand.

"And that's where I'll always be."

"Is it a boy or a girl?"

"It's a boy."

She smiled. "I've always wanted my first born to be a boy." She chuckled to herself.

I just stared at her. Enjoying her breathing and laughter. We talked endlessly, about the past few months and how I killed Vincent and Victor.

We talked until Doctor Sasha came in to check up on Camilla.

She asked us if we wanted to see the baby. They couldn't bring him to us because he was still too fragile and had to stay in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

I grabbed a wheel chair for Camilla, she was still to weak to walk very well. Sasha led the way and pointed at an incubator near the window and left us. Probably giving us the privacy we deserve.

He was so tiny, so beautiful.

"That's our baby." I whispered and kissed her forehead.

She let the tears out. "I never thought he'd survive." She chocked. "I'm going to do everything it takes to make my baby happy." She rested her head on my arm.

"We're going to do it baby. Together."

It was at that moment, looking between the love of my life and my son that I realized, this is what I want. Camilla by my side and a beautiful family to raise. She was everything. This was everything and I'm not willing to give it up for the world.

Until next time 💓!

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