Chapter 25: Spicy History

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Not edited guys sorry I'll edit as soon as possible.

Camilla's P.O.V

I was definitely not expecting him to be standing on my doorway. I can already tell my face was a futile puzzled mess when I saw him. My hands shaking dropping the plate from my trembling hands to crash into pieces. I heard quick shuffling and heavy footsteps stomping and running down the stairs. Instantly I knew it was Alejandro who has probably sensed something was wrong.

Nothing was wrong. I was happy. I was scared too.

The fact that he was alive has me sighing in consolation but how? How is he not where we buried him years ago? Who's grave have we been praying on?

The ghost stood there expressionless. Hands in his pocket, his dirty blond hair pushed backwards just the way he liked it. The way I used to do it for him. His blue eyes boring into mine.

He's grown a beard now. Charisma oozing from him probably making women swoon everywhere like he always did.

Alejandro's hands suddenly wrapping around my waist brought me back into reality and reality was no difference. It really was happening.

"Babe?" He questioned looking at me with concern then glaring at the ghost. "Who the fuck are you?" His voice boomed.

"I should be asking you." Plainly came the ghosts reply.

Alejandro was ready to lounge at him but I held him back. "Don't." I whispered only for his ears.

Eventually he relaxed and secured himself around me. Probably jealous, but he knew better than to act this way. There was no necessity to acting the way he was.

Finally maintaining composure I spoke in a low voice that came out hoarse and scared?

"What are you doing here?" I asked this time.

"To explain." His voice held concern and I couldn't tell him no, I wanted to hear what he has to say. Like really bad.

"Let's talk in the living room." I finally gave in.

Both males sauntered behind me into the sitting room. Getting comfortable for the sake of this conversation knowing it was about to get emotional for me.


"Yes baby?"

"Can you leave us? Please I'll let you know about everything later." I promised kissing him softly.

"Like Fucking hell I'm going to do that. I don't want you with him alone." He looked threatening clenching his jaw.

"He is not to worry me."

"Camilla..." He sigh.


"I'll be upstairs. If anything and I mean anything Camilla scream." He commanded.

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