Chapter 33: Val

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A quick update because I couldn't help but update ! I'm feeling so energetic lately and I'm using my time to update before my A level examinations. Stay tuned because this book is about to make a 360• turn. Also I want to thank you guys for all the support💘.

                         *******************Camilla's P

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Camilla's P.O.V

I rushed to stop Carlos before he could do anything crazy.

"Carlos stop." Once he turned I saw his clear anger. "It's not true, that man is a liar, maybe he is up to something."

"Camilla...he sent me a picture of her chained, I'm not taking any chances. She might be alive and this is the only way I can get her back so please don't try and stop me, I have little time."

   "The picture might be fake."

"Carlos listen to your sister she might be right, this could be a set up. Maybe it was Valentina whom we buried today." Alejandro tried to reason with him but I knew my brother and his hard head.

"Okay Carlos look, let's go to the lab and talk to George it's the only way we can be sure before we do anything stupid." Adrianna began negotiations.

"Seventy two hours people, what risk am I taking?"

"Uhh your life?" Mateo mumbled. "This man is loco! Carlos listen to me boy, men like Vincent they never tell the truth, your woman is dead, I swear on my life he is doing this to trick you."

"He knows what your weakness is and he is manipulating it on you."

"Going over to the lab will not take us 72 hours Carlos please. Let's go before we could make a wrong move and loose another person."

After five minutes of moving our jaws he finally acknowledged the fact that we may be right.

We hoped into our cars and followed each other to the lab in the city center. Thirty minutes later we were walking into the glacier door.

It smelt like spirit and fresh dead bodies, just like it should. It reminded me of med school and all the stitches I had to close to get here today. We wasted no time running into George's laboratory.

He sat on his white desk near a microscope taking notes on a pad.

"George." Carlos started. George turned around from his seat amused to see us.

"Carlos...I'm so..."

"Cut the crap George! Tell me...who did I bury today?"

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