Chapter 39: Chaotic Complications

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How you doin babies ?? This update is a gift to FireBlade97

How you doin babies ?? This update is a gift to FireBlade97  HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎉🎈🎁🎊🎂 GIRL !

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By the way this chapter is unedited. I'll edit as soon as possible. You might find really silly embarrassing mistakes. "I was typing really fast."
Alejandro's P.O.v

      We barged through the red metallic door. The shooting quickly began. The room was filled with men. It wasn't actually a room, it was more of a huge hall that had multiple doors.

    I scanned the room real quick before dodging past a few bullets.

   All the men separated and attacked one another.

   Two guys pounced at me and I hit one with my foot on his face and punched another's neck, when he dropped his head automatically I punched him again sending his face to the left side with a spark of blood drooling from his mouth.

       A sudden gush of pain jolted throughout my back. I turned around sliding my foot across my attacker. He lost his balance and nosedived on his back.

     I grabbed one of the males attacking Mateo to my right, twisted his arm making it loose tension and Mateo tore his neck, snapping it.

   I looked around once again and Spied a runner towards Adrianna. I shot both of his legs causing them to weaken and when he fell on the cold ground, Mateo shot him dead.

    I rushed past a couple of fights, searching for Vincent.

    I ran towards the stairs where Adrianna was located. Shooting from a vintage point. I grabbed my SIG550 assault riffle.

    Placed my knees on the ground and shot anyone slapped with a Russian tattoo.

   Adrianna refilled the bullets in the guns throwing them to Antonio, Mateo, Carlos and Kane.

   After killing a few Russian from afar. I dropped everything so quickly running as fast as my feet could take me, to Antonio, who was encountering punches from three different people.

   I grabbed one by his jacket and dragged him to the ground kicking the sides of his body and hit him multiply until he passed out.

   "Antonio." I yelled and he turned to me.

    I slid my gun towards him, while he was lying on his back, he briskly snatched it and shot his opponents.

     Making us both sigh in relief. I helped him up and handed him two guns that were attached to my holsters.

   We sundered in different directions.

   Minutes after minutes the men began to reduce in size. Bodies surrounded the hall.

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