Chapter 2: Rays

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Chapter 2 :p came a bit earlier than expected, so here you go, don't forget to vote ⭐️ and comment what You think 💎                           *******************

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Chapter 2 :p came a bit earlier than expected, so here you go, don't forget to vote ⭐️ and comment what You think 💎

Camilla's P.O.V

        Slowly and reluctantly, I blinked again and again as streaks of sunlight penetrate the window and blind me.

    Stretching my arms above my head and yawning, I dragged my aching body out of bed. My feet for a moment enjoyed the soft fluffy sensation coming from the sudden contact with the carpet.

The eerie darkness of last night never escaped my memory. On my thighs were great purple welts of bruises.

From the mirror across the room, I pulled my collar down revealing an even darker bruise lining my neck. They did not hurt but they were just really ugly to look at. I sighed as I entered the restroom enjoying the view this morning had to offer. My man standing in all glory. Every move giving away his strength. Eyes locked with the ideal reflection of the shinning mirror encircled by a frame of strands of silver.

           However, his reflection seemed to be in deep contemplation. He spun around as his shirtless torso was exposed to me,  skin glowing healthily with a chiselled chest.

     I sucked in a breath and to some extent, my feelings were apprising to me that something erroneous is bound to happen.

He looked worn out, bleary-eyed and unshaven. Diego was never a man to lodge with this attitude, the greasy dark beard or the lengthy state of unconditioned hair. He usually took great care of himself but something about him this very morning is disparate.

Endless plots about my father giving him a hard time were framed into my thick skull, but again this was the mafia.

     I too looked like a mess...a birds nest for a hair and mascara lacking strength and spirit I definitely looked nothing like an angel at this point. However, I still behaved naturally, dispatching my daily routine.

   "Bom dia Diego." I went right up to him and placed a firm peck on his soft plump lips. To my disappointment, he didn't react to my kiss at all.

     Still standing there like a house of cards I asked him what was wrong.

"I'm just tired." He quickly said

"Are you sure?"


"No something is wrong, tell me."

"I'm just tired." He wearily said.

"Oh Stop with the bullshit Diego spit it out."

"What makes you.."

"I know you very well two years of a relationship is like two years of High school, tell me," I said applying my face mask.

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