Chapter 12: Safe House

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I couldn't wait for Friday to update so hereeeeee you go 🌚. Don't forget to vote ⭐️ and comment on 💎 what you think.


Camilla's P.O.V

"For the love of god shut up Mateo I know what I'm doing idiota."

"Oh yeah! And what would that be?" He argued.

"Ugh fixing his damn stitch." I fired in a duh tone. "I'm a nurse I know what I'm doing!"

"Ha! You make one shitty nurse then because whatever you are doing isn't waking him up!" He shouted.

"Oh, you expect him to magically wake up? Let me do my job. Fuck off."

"Would you two shut the fuck up you've been fighting for two hours now." This was Adrianna.

"I'd shut the fuck down for you." Mateo Flirted with her.

"For Christ sake what does that even mean?" She told him.

"Anything you want it to mean." He smirked.

"Adrianna get me the scissors please," I asked her.

"Jesus now you wanna cut the man into pieces." This came from Mateo.

"Mateo FUCK OFF before I use this scissor on you not him." I threatened

"Relax relax woman." Murmured Carlos from across the room. I shot a glare and his hands went up in surrender.

After Alejandro left I went after him to talk to him. I didn't get far before I saw a crime scene lying on the dark streets in stiff motion. The minute I arrived, Mateo did too.

We gave each other the 'what the actual fuck just happened' look and panicked. We heard the sound of agonizing chapped pain that caused us to react quickly. Two men that seemed to have died ragingly.

Closer and closer we got behind Alejandro's vehicle and he has fainted in a vast amount of blood. If it wasn't for his stitch he wouldn't be in this situation right now. We had no time to spare for dramatic encounters and the hospital was too far therefore I managed to persuade Mateo that I will clean him up.

He carried him into one of our safe houses which was only minutes away and way inside the forest. Nobody but my family knew about this house. We built it for leisure and stocked it with essentials.

I was worried about the bodies and the scene but Mateo assured me he will deal with it and made a few short phone calls. To say the least my life has been a movie lately.

"He's waking up guys." I beamed in relief when I saw him flinching his eyes hard and adjusting to the light.

Alejandro's eyes slowly opened and closed over and over again. He tried to get up but we all stopped him.

"Easy, easy now." I held his shoulders and carefully sealed his stitch with my hands avoiding a reopening.

"What? Where are we?" He was barely crooked.

"Somewhere safe," I assured him.

"Can you please help me get up?" He insisted.

"Yeah..." so I grabbed ahold of him and Carlos helped me carry his heavy drained body to the couch.

"What happened man?" Mateo started.

"Mateo, not now he's probably too tired to speak." I interrupted.

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