Chapter 21: I Like You

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Hey babies! Early update because I love you all. Vote ⭐️ and comment 💎 please.


Camilla's P.O.V

"Glad to see you both made it out alive." A deep voice spoke and I looked up to see familiar faces surrounding our table.

       "Glad to see your still as ugly as ever." I gushed at Aurora. "Vincent that was an amazing show I must praise you for such foolish creations that seem to be as imbecile as your brains."

   "Watch your mouth young lady." Vincent sneered.

  "Or what?" I stood up to face him, nose close enough to touch with one more slight movement forward from either of us.

    Alejandro pulled me back to my seat and Mateo continued the conversation on my behalf.

   "The reason why? We are eager to know"

  "You see Mateo..."

  "Not you Dmitry, Your father." My teeth clenched.

  "You see, I want two things from you and your powerful family..." he turned to face me. "You and those files your father has hidden in store."

  "What files?" Adrianna asked him.

  "Ah come on, we all know your father has dirt on the Police. Making his job easier. I want those files and for you to marry my son."

  "What is up with you people and wanting to throw me into marriage?" Now exhausted of the same topic being brought up. "You and your son can go to hell. Oh and be sure to take Aurora with you I beg you." I sat firmly on my seat while Aurora's eyes made a roll and I took a sip of my fruit tea, inhaling and avoiding.

   "If we go to hell, I'll have to drag you with me. This isn't over gorgeous..."

  "This is just the beginning blah blah blah." I finished for him and he gave me a look, almost interestingly intimidating and they left directly afterwards with Aurora smirking making me wish I could  just wipe that smirk off of her face.

   "You really do have a death wish?" This was Mateo.

  "At least we know now no one wants Alejandro?" Adrianna trying to make the situation better. "He's all yours." She assured.

  "I need to talk to Papa."

    I left the table with shaky legs and my heart pounding faster than average, with my phone in my hand contemplating on wether I should call him or not.

  I Exited the restaurant and sat on the bench that is coarse-grained resting my weary body.

   I stared at his name on my screen for a good five minutes before my instincts pressed the call button.

    It rang and I waited impatiently stomping my foot in the progress.

   "Camilla?" His deep voice looped in my ear.


   "How are you meu pequinah?"

  "Good Dad cómo estás?"

   "Estupendo! How is Greece? You've always wanted to visit it."

  "It's beautiful but..."

   "Cuál es el problema?"

  "The Russians."

  "What happened?" I could feel my dad rising from whatever source of furniture he was sitting on.

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