Chapter 37: She Is Like Home

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Sorry unedited 😅.

5 months later.

     Camilla's P.O.V

      I am desperate for a memory, good, warm, welcoming, one I could smile to. There are days the tiredness comes in both forms, physical and mental, at least for some people it alternates. For me, it joins forces together and sends my mind and body into a numb state of breakage. Day by day my stomach grew, this was no pregnancy any woman would or could imagine. Hell I wish I knew the gender of my baby...and most of all, I wish I told Alejandro when I had the chance.

    It was probably destiny. Maybe I'm being punished for the wrong things I've done in my life. They fed me well, but they made it up by slapping me across bloody walls. They are brutal and I lost hope that Alejandro or anyone else might find me. It was as if we were in another continent. Far far away from home.

    Five months and I've been waiting for him to barge through the door. Not a day passed and I didn't think of what might happen tomorrow.

   The only good feeling that would wash over me is when I rubbed my hands along my stomach or talked to my baby. Sang for him to make things better. At least for myself.

   Fortunately for me I was upgraded into a better room. One with a bed. Vincent was eventually "touched" by my pregnancy.

    When I saw the familiar figure that enjoyed harrowing me for the past months caused my breath to turn from quiet and regular to a panting gasp. I sucked at the air like it had suddenly become thick. I know what was coming.

Another session of displeasure.

I know his name now...Vladimir.

He held me tight and placed me on a chair near the cracked old table.

"I told you not to, why did you do it?" I heard shouting from outside. "YOU PROMISED." the voice boomed in the air, it frightened me. It also somehow sounded like Diego. "I TOLD YOU NOT TO HURT HER...they are willing to give you the files, it's been five Fucking months let her go."

"You don't tell me what to do, bastrado!" Another man's shouting came.

"Where is she?"

The door opened with sudden strength and Diego's face appeared in the light of the room. Vincent following after and his son Victor. Surprisingly Aurora was missing this party. How has she not made an appearance so far?

Diego ran his hands through his hair in frustration, he came closer inspecting my body and his eyes widening at the sight of my stomach.

"She's pregnant and your still doing all this?"

"I gave her a bed and a better room."

"Oh to hell with you, and your bed. Why is she still here?"

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