Chapter 44: To Family

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       1 Year later.

          Camilla's P.O.V

      "Alejandro I swear to god I'm going to cut off and feed your..."

     "Shhh..woman please dont finish that sentence."

    "It's been an hour and I don't know where your taking me." I hissed. "We left Diego with my mom and you have been driving in the middle of no where for at least a whole day." Now I was mad, impatient, I hated long car rides and he knew it. All I could see outside were trees and bushes and it was getting dark.

     "This woman." He mumbled under his breath but I heard him.

    "What did you just say?"

    "Camilla, shut up, it's been only 30 minutes why are you making such a big deal, and don't worry your mother probably has him in the kitchen with her right now feeding him or narrating another Brazilian recipe, and plus.." Before I could open my mouth again. "We're here."

     "Now close your eyes, and leave the rest to me." I sighed and went with it.

      He opened the door for me and took my hands.

     The leaves and twigs cracked upon our steps as we strolled to go god knows where.

       "Is this where you kill me?" I asked.

       "What makes..."

       "Because Diego still needs to feed on my breast milk...think about what you will do to my poor child."

      All I could hear after that was his sighing and his chuckling.

      "Just remember, that I love you." His breath fanned next to my ears.

    A shiver ran down my spine.

   We stopped and my heart skipped a few beats.

   I felt his presence behind me. "Open your eyes hermosa." He huskily whispered.

My eyes fluttered open and I gasped. My legs literally went jelly.

" no no way..Alejandro how did you know?" I squeaked after exactly a whole minute. He smiled at me and I was still in my state of shock.

"Adrianna, it had to be her, she gave you the book didn't she?" I smiled.

"You see you aren't good at hiding your things and who has a wedding book with all the details and designs they want ? From the flowers to the materials to the lights and the dance floor!" He chuckled.

"I was bored." I defended myself.
I turned back to the scene in front of me.

I admired the alter. The large room had glass tables on top with tables joined together some not and in the midst of all the silver plates and utensils stood candles and roses. The ceiling was occupied with leaves and beautiful lights. In the middle stood a shiny platform for dancing. I could tell a lot of people were showing up, there were countless tables.

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