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You were sitting at a table in your common room, finishing up some homework that was due tomorrow. You felt something hit your back and sighed.

"Hello James, Sirius." You said without looking up. The sound of two chairs scraping against the floor made you look up to see two smirking boys with their mischievous looks on you.

You sighed, setting down your quill. "What do you guys want."

James smirked and ran his hand through his already messy hair. "Well we heard from a very reliable source, that someone from Ravenclaw was calling you some things."

You looked down. "And so what?"

"We may or may not have done a little prank on said girl." Sirius smiled as your head snapped up, your hair flying.

"You guys didn't have too-"

"But we wanted to." A voice from behind cut you off, an arm wrapping around your shoulders. You looked over and saw the face of your brother, Remus. You closed your eyes with a laugh.

"What did you guys do?" You mumbled.

"You'll see." Sirius smirked. James and Sirius stood up and moved in front of you.

Suddenly you felt yourself being lifted off of your chair.

Remus was holding your arms while the other two were holding each of your legs.

"Guys, what are you'd doing." You panicked.

"We are taking you to go see that hag." James chuckled.

"Can you put me down?" You struggled in their grip.

"Of course not." Remus chimed in. You grumbled to yourself all the way to the great hall, ignoring the strange looks of your fellow classmates.

When you got to the entrance of the great hall, they let you down.

You huffed and straightened out your uniform. "Where is she?" You asked them. Sirius stood behind you and pointed her out to you, his head on your shoulder.

You followed his finger and gasped in shock.

Her skin was a slimy green and her now purple hair sticking up in all different directions. Her clothes were all replaced with rags and her teeth were yellow and crooked.

She spotted you and glared, stomping over.

"Well look here it's the little slut-" she lifted up her hand to smack you and you flinched back into Sirius, but never felt the impact. You opened your eyes to see Remus holding her wrist with a dark look on his face.

"I wouldn't do that." James stepped up next to Remus, glaring harshly at the girl in front of you. Sirius started to pull you back, but you stopped him.

You made Remus and James back off and let go of her, walking up and looking her in the eye.

All you saw was pure jealousy and insecurities.

You smiled and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"I know your just insecure. And jealous." You said quietly.

She glared at you even more. "You don't know me."

"You'd be surprised." You cut her off.

Her gaze softened before it quickly turned back into a glare. She walked past you, bumping your shoulder as she passed. You didn't move for a few moments before looking back at the marauders.

"Let's get back to the common room."


You lay in the floor with your head on Sirius' lap and your feet on James stomach. You all lay on the floor of the boys dorm with Sirius leaning against Remus bed. Remus lay in the bed with his head hanging off so he was looking at all of you.

"I thought I was right about why she did it." You muttered. "Guess not."

"I think she just didn't want to admit it." James said, sitting up so your feet moved to his lap, leaning against his own bed.

"Why's that?" You asked.

"She was insecure, like you said. So she didn't want to admit her weakness. Not everyone can be as strong as you, (Y/N)." James continued.

"Why would she be insecure, she was gorgeous." You stated, groaning.

"You are best friend with the three best looking guys in the school."

"I don't see any handsome men here." You closed your eyes with a smile.

"Haha, very funny." Sirius flicked your forehead. You smacked his hand and opened your eyes with a pout.

They all laughed and you smiled, closing your eyes again. And in this moment, everything was peaceful, causing you to slowly drift off to sleep.


The boys all talked quietly after you fell asleep. As James and Remus were having a discussion about Quidditch while Sirius was simply running his fingers through your hair slowly, while he looked down at you as if in a daze.

Remus looked over at Sirius and smirked. "Hey Sirius." James smirked too.

"Yeah?" Sirius looked at the two marauders, who smirked to each other then back at him.

"If you hurt our sister, then you better watch your back." They said together.

Sirius blushed and rolled his eyes, looking back at your sleeping form. His lips twitched up at the corners and he continued running his fingers through your hair.


I can't tell a lie (that's a lie) I'm honestly obsessed with Sirius Black/Ben Barnes just fjsngfbabdi

Please remember to vote and comment, and THANK YOU GUYS FOR 80 reads!!!!


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