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It was a strange thing, running into your ex. It's gonna be awkward, maybe sad. But with (Y/N), it was just weird.

In their sixth year, she had caught her boyfriend, Sirius Black, cheating on her with her cousin, Marlene McKinnon. She confronted him about it that night and he admitted to it.

That didn't stop him from apologizing for months on end and begging for her forgiveness. But she was stubborn, especially when it came to her feelings.

She had spent so long secretly liking him only to find out he reciprocated the feelings. She was ecstatic and he asked her out on a date, then they dated for two years.

True love is a great thing, but once it gets broken it's the worst thing to happen to you.

Once she found out about her good friend James and Lily's wedding, she immediately told them she would go. She wouldn't miss out on that day for anything. Even a little awkwardness while seeing her ex boyfriend together with her cousin.

What she wasn't expecting was to see him standing at the bar, alone. As soon as he saw her walk into the room, he wanted to talk to her. But he then remembered how they left things the last day of school.

He had decided to try one more time to confront her about the cheating situation. It ended with her screaming at him to leave her alone, which he did.

But once he saw her walk in with the heels and dress on, he regretted it instantly. All he wanted to do was walk over and pull her close to him and kiss her. But he couldn't, because he messed up.

What he didn't expect was for her to walk up o him.

"Hello, Sirius." She smiled pleasantly at him, though there was a tiny sparkle of sadness in her eye.

"Hello, (Y/N). It's nice seeing you again, you look great." He responded, exchanging pleasantries with her for a few minutes. They were both tense but trying to be friendly for James and Lily's sake.

But when Sirius brought up the topic, it seemed to all go away. "I'm sorry for cheating on you back at Hogwarts. I was a stupid kid who didn't know any better." He started.

"Sirius.." she tried to cut him off.

"I didn't realize the best thing that ever happened to me was right there." He continued. Y/N's gaze softened but she kept her wits about her.

"And I've been trying to get over you but I just can't get you out of my head. All I want is for you to be my friend again." He finished. She swallowed nervously, looking down at her hand.

"Okay, I'll be your friend." She said finally, looking back up at him. He instantly grinned, hugging her. "You won't regret it." He promised her, pulling away to show his widening smile.

"I hope so, Black."


Hello my beautiful readers! I'm sorry for the wait and the shitty chapter but I wanted to announce that I have published a The 100 roleplay book! If you're interested go check that out!

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