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Warning!¡ Mentions of sexual abuse!¡🚨


It was your seventh year. And you decided, fùck it. Let's be normal teenagers. So you got your friends (F/N) and (F/N), and told them your plan. They agreed and your plan was put into action.

Rule number one was to cut down on studies. You all got good grades, so it wouldn't hurt to cut some slack.

Rule number two was to break more rules. It was your last year, what were they going to do, expel you?

Rule number three was to be more adventurous. Go out more, make more friends. Cause you only live once.

Fortunately (or unfortunately) this caught the attention of a few certain students. It all started the second week of school, when your small group walked in with your shirt buttons undone (yet you still couldn't see anything), skirts only a noticeable amount shorter, and uniforms tighter.

You all walked in with your hips swaying slightly. A few of your other friends that didn't participate smirked at you. James Potter turned away from a smirking Lily and gaped at the sight of the three Ravenclaws. Sirius wolf whistled, causing a few other students to laugh and giggle.

The three of you rolled your eyes, walking past the Gryffindor table to get to your own table. The marauders eyes followed your group as you sat down, chatting with your friends who were questioning your new appearance.

They couldn't hear your conversations over the Gryffindors own conversations.

"Who are they?"

"I wonder if she's single..."

"I would totally smash."

James Potter hadn't taken his eyes off of you since you walked in, idly playing with his food.


You heard someone walk up to you from where you stood in the astronomy tower, their shoes clacking against the concrete floor.

You turned around and raised an eyebrow at the boy in front of you. "Nice to see you, Potter."

"It's.. really nice to see you, (L/N)." James muttered, stepping closer. You raised an eyebrow, unfazed.

"You really think that's gonna work, Potter?" You scoffed, turning back around. So many guys had come up, asking you on dates and for sex. You hadn't done this makeover for anyone but yourself, and if one more person assumed otherwise you didn't know what you would do or say.

"What, my charming good looks?" He questioned with a small grin. He had always noticed you, not as much as Lily, yet he still noticed you.

"No, the charm in general. Why are you even here? You've never talked to me before." You narrowed your eyes at the cocky brunette.

James sighed. "I've always seen you-"

"I find that hard to believe. Listen, you continue going after Lily." She stepped closer, stabbing his chest with her pointer finger. "And I'll continue what I've been doing for the past seven years."


James continued watching you for the next few weeks, noticing the changed in your personality. You were still top of the class, but you were going to parties every other night. He knew, because he was there at most of them. He made sure to keep an eye on you to make sure nothing happened to you.

One day, while you were at the party, a girl was really trying to get his attention. He took his eyes off of you for a few seconds, telling the girl to piss off.

He turned back and saw two guys dragging you into a room that had just appeared. He ran through the crowd, attempting to open the locked door. He growled before kicking it open.

His eyes widened at the sight. One of the guys was standing aside, watching as the other guy was taking off your belt. You laid unconscious, your wand laying limp in your unfurled palm.

"Hey, close the door man." The man who was taking off your belt told him casually.

James glared at him furiously, punching him in the jaw. He jinxed him, glaring at the other man. "Get the fùck out." He hissed. He ran out, bout looking back.

James sighed and put your belt back on, picking you up and walking you to his own dorm.

Once you woke up, your vision was completely disoriented. "Ugh, what happened to me?" You muttered.

"You passed out and two guys tried to ruffie you." James muttered from the doorway. You frowned.

"I didn't pass out, I was knocked out." You muttered, standing up and trying to walk out. He grabbed your arm.

"Wait." He paused. "I'm glad that you're safe, and I caught them when I did."

Your gaze softened and you kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you." You smiled, walking past him.

He watched you leave with a grin. He knew that things would change after this.


Short but sweet (kind of). I'll put a warning at the beginning of this, since I know this can be a rough subject for some people (which is completely understandable)

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