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Technology had come a long way throughout the world. Except now it had finally reached the wizarding world. Everywhere you looked during a free period someone would have their cell phone out.

Currently you were sitting in your dorm during a free period texting the marauders in a group chat.

Sirius: All I'm saying is that, what if it was real?

Remus: You're delusional. It's just a rumor going around.

James: iTs JuSt A rUmOr

James: iTs JuSt A rUmOr

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Y/N: What have you started

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Y/N: What have you started

Remus: \-_-\

Peter: Pigfarts is a real place!

Remus: PiGfArTs Is A rEaL pLaCe

Remus: PiGfArTs Is A rEaL pLaCe

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James: why must you do this to us Remus? Let us have some fun

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James: why must you do this to us Remus? Let us have some fun

Sirius: yeah, why?

Remus: its not a reAL PLACE

Remus: Malfoy started the rumor last year

Sirius: no. It's real.

Remus: prove it

James: you need a rocket ship. Do you have a rocket ship?


You rolled your eyes at them and shut off your phone, grabbing your stuff for your next class and walking down the many staircases to the classroom

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You rolled your eyes at them and shut off your phone, grabbing your stuff for your next class and walking down the many staircases to the classroom.

About halfway through the class you felt your phone buzzing in your pocket. Discreetly- while the professor was distracted- you took out your phone and set it behind your books.

On your lock screen were snapchats coming in from the marauders. You rolled your eyes and opened the first one which was Sirius and Remus in the dog filter. As you continued clicking all you saw were the marauders sending you snapchats over and over with the stupidest filters.

After awhile you saw that James had sent you one. You opened it- expecting some stupid selfie- but you saw him with the deer filter on and heart eyes.

The caption said "I am quite fawn'd of you, deer. Please say yes to going on a date with me to Hogsmeade this Friday."

A smile pulled at your lips but before you could respond the class had ended. You quickly ran out of the classroom and saw James standing right outside with his phone in hand.

"Is that a yes or a no?" He asked with a nervous smile.

"Of course it's a yes, my deer." You kissed his cheek before walking past him to your next class with a growing blush on your face. But also a growing smile.

Your phone pinged and you opened the text, seeing it was from Sirius.

Below it was a picture of you and James in the hallway after you had kissed his cheek

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Below it was a picture of you and James in the hallway after you had kissed his cheek. You had screen shotted the picture, but he didn't need to know that.


This little chapter was written for Bgyanson ! I hope you like it!

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