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Being a Ravenclaw definitely had its perks. School work wasn't very hard because apparently you were smart. Yeah, sure. In reality the house was very supportive of each other which helped other students to succeed in classes that maybe you weren't so good in.

This meant that teachers would usually make the Ravenclaws tutor other students. Unfortunately for you, you were one of their first options.

Sirius Black didn't think he should focus on his studies. Mainly his Potions class. So he wasn't that surprised when Slughorn told him he should get tutor.

He told him about this Ravenclaw in his year, y/n or something. He couldn't remember her name.

But he surely remembered her face. As soon as she walked into the library with hair pulled back into a messy bun and tiny bags under her eyes he was enamored. He instantly slouched in the chair, clearing his throat and running a hand through his hair.

You walked up the table, a tired smile on your lips. "Sirius." You greeted.

"Y-y/n." He stuttered out. He assumed he had gotten your name right when you didn't say anything, silently congratulating himself.

"We both know why you're here. You need help with potions. Luckily, I'm pretty damn good at it." You spoke as you got closer, setting your bag aside with a quiet thump.

"I'm not gonna be easy to teach." He admitted, a small smirk on his lips.

"Don't worry, I think I'll manage."

Three times a week you would meet with Sirius. Once his grade turned from a "D" to an "E", Slughorn informed you that you wouldn't have to tutor him anymore. So at your next tutor session you told him that you wouldn't be meeting anymore.

His reaction was very unexpected.

"What?!" He exclaimed. The librarian shot you a dirty look and he lowered his voice.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I mean, you've upped your grade. You don't need my help anymore." You shrugged.

"So if my grade dropped you could keep tutoring me?" He asked mischievously.

"Sirius-" you sighed, rubbing your forehead.

"I'm being serious." He interrupted. "I'm not gonna stop hanging out with you."

"I'm your tutor, Sirius. We've never talked before this. The only reason you want to spend more time with me is because you think that I'm something I'm not. And besides, I'm going to be tutoring other students after this. I'm sorry." You picked up your bag and books, walking towards the door but he gripped your wrist, spinning you around.

"You can't walk away from this." He whispered.

"I'm your tutor, Sirius. Nothing more." You shot back, ripping your arm away and walking out of the library.


It seemed Sirius took a leaf out of James book. Every time you walk out of class, he was there. Everytime you walked into the courtyard from your common room, he was there.

Your friends found it very amusing but you were starting to become very annoyed with his efforts.

One day after your own potions class you'd gotten tired of it, dragging him away from the crowded hallways with his and your friends whistling from behind. You turned a corner into an empty hallway, letting go of his robes and pushing him against one of the walls.

"What the hell is going on with you, Sirius?" You whispered loudly.

"I told you I wouldn't give up. And I don't lie about things like that." He insisted, stepping away from the wall and closer to you.

"I already told you, you don't know me well enough to like me-"

"Then let me in." He cut you off, gripping your arm tightly. You glared at him slightly but stayed quiet. "Let me get to know you."

"... fine. I'll give you a week. If you don't like me after that then you'll leave me alone." You sighed and he grinned, kissing your cheek quickly.

"You won't regret it." He swore, backing away with a wide smile. You sighed but smiled slightly as you heard him shouting excitedly from the other hall.


A month later you had given in. Sirius has asked you out about three weeks after finally gaining your trust and getting closer to you. You had titled your head at him as he pouted, grabbing your hand.

"Fine. Yes, I'll go out with you." He grinned, the pout immediately falling away.

"Really?" He asked And you nodded with a smile replicating his own.

"Yeah, yeah I will." He pumped his fist into the air, whooping.

You laughed at him, pushing your hat down onto your head as the wind pick up your hair slightly. He spun around and wrapped his arms around you, lifting you into the air and spinning you around.

The Marauders and your friends watched from inside the castle. "Finally, I thought they'd never get together." Remus shook his head.

"How long has it been, a month?" Your friend asked, raising her eyebrow at them.

"For Sirius that's a lifetime."


Sorry for the long wait but I just stared highschool and I've simultaneously been writing my other books sequel, but I hope this was worth the wait. :)


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