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This is for DracosWifey cause all she wants is fluff.


Studying in itself was hard. especially when you get distracted because your dumbass friends are fighting and trying to shove each other into the lake. Secretly she was rooting for James to push Sirius in- which had nothing to do with the fact that he hadn't given her a piece of his candy.

Remus was sat next to her with his eyes closed, a peaceful look upon his face. You smiled slightly and leaned against his side.

Sirius walked away from James with a victorious look on his face as James was face first on the ground.

"Dang it, I was betting on James." You laughed quietly, continuing to read through your History of Magic textbook.

Sirius shot you a shocked look as he plopped down in front of you. He eyed Remus' bags under his eyes and the scars that seemed even darker above his pale skin.

"Let him sleep. He needs it." James spoke from next to Sirius. Peter nodded in agreement.

In his sleep Remus moved closer to you and rested his head on your own. You smiled slightly and closed your book. It was no use trying to get work done with them around.

Sirius glanced at Remus and you with an unknown look on his face, but you recognized it.

"Don't worry. I'm sure he'd rather have you here instead of me." You winked at him.

James snorted and nudged a blushing Sirius in the side. Sirius shoved him back harder so he accidentally crashed into you. You immediately looked at Remus only to see him still fast asleep on your shoulder.

You glared at the other two and kicked them both in the side- hard. They groaned loudly and shot harsh glares at you but you simply smiled sweetly and crossed your legs in front of you.

James leaned against the tree next to you and put his head on your other shoulder with a small pout. Sirius turned around and laid his head on your lap. Peter laid down near your feet so that his head was between yours and James' legs.

Absentmindedly running a hand through Sirius' hair, you barely noticed when Lily joined next to James and leaned against his side heavily.

Sirius turned and closed his eyes at the feeling of your hand running through his long hair, eventually falling asleep on your lap.

When Remus woke up he saw his friends all cuddled against the tree- asleep and leaning against or on each other completely.

He shook his head and simply closed his eyes again.

When the group of six woke up it was nearly night, which meant almost curfew. Cursing and picking up their bags and books, they rushed up to the dorms and threw their bags into their trunks.

The girls had managed to get to the great hall first, barely beating the boys by only a few seconds. Anyone could tell they had been asleep by their ruffled hair and their bleary eyes expressions.

That's why when they were all handed cups of coffee from their other friends all they did was nod in thanks and drink them without complaint.

It was safe to say that they all feel asleep like that quite often after that.

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