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This is really inspired by Neville Longbottom, as in the past story. But I have changed her attitude some... you'll see.


You walked through the halls, your head hung low and your books clutched to your chest. Every since you were a child, you had been picked on.

Maybe it was because you were so shy, or because you were abnormally clumsy. The world was unfair in many ways, including how upper class people treated lower class people.

It was the beginning of your first year when it started. You had accidentally fell in the hallway, and instead of helping you up, the marauders (as they were known now), had kicked your stuff along the hallways.

They had something against you since that day, except for Remus. He helped you when they weren't around. This caused you to form a crush on the boy, which was completely and utterly wrong.

He was the enemy for Merlins sake! You couldn't have a crush on him.. it was just wrong.

Bu in your sixth year, that's when things got really bad. You had been helping Remus with a certain assignment in the library but were interrupted by the sound of the familiar sound of the marauders yelling.

You were gathering your things before things could get worse.

"(Y/N), wait." Remus tried, grabbing your arm.

"Remus stop." You hissed, but it was to late.

"Well look what we have here, boys. It's the nerd wth our very own Remus Lupin." James Potter hissed. You glared harshly at him.

"Hello dearest cousin." You spat. You might be shy, but that all went down the drain when it came to the leader of sorts, James Potter.

Sirius glared at you. "Watch your tongue." He snapped. You rolled your eyes and grabbed your bag, jogging away from the growing scene.

James watched you go with anger. "We're gonna get her." With that, he walked away.

Remus sighed angrily, storming out behind them.


The next day, you were sitting by the tree, reading a book. Suddenly, you were being lifted into the air. You gasped, hearing people laugh at your expense. Your face flushed a deep red, but at least you wore jeans today.

"How do you like that, (L/N)?" James yelled. He flipped you around, smirking at your embarrassed figure.

"Put her down, James." Remus said quietly.

"Why should I?" James asks hotly, before he smirked again. "On second thought." With a flick of his wrist, you fell from the air.

You coughed, already pushing yourself up, running to the common room.

Remus frowned at everyone's laughing, running after you.

He saw you run up to your dorm and cursed, tapping the portrait frame with his wand so he could make it up the stairs.

When he ran into the room he saw you packing your trunk.

"What are you doing?" He questioned, closing your trunk.

"I'm done being harassed, Remus." You replied, tears falling down your face. Remus sighed sadly.

"Look, I know how you feel. But it will get better." Remus promised, grabbing your arms. You shook your head, taking a shaky breath.

"No, it won't. My family hates me because I'm not as good as everyone else, I'm not as good as James." You ended quietly.

Remus' face contorted with understanding. You had been compared to James your entire laugh, and he had bullied you for as long as you could remember. He watched you crumble and his face fell.

"Stay. And I'll take you away as soon as we get out of here." Remus promised, bringing you closer.

"Why are you doing this?" You asked after a few moments of silence.

"Because I love you." He muttered hesitantly. You froze, backing away.

"I can't do this, Remus. Your best friend is the person that's been tormenting me for years."

"I'll make them stop. I promise." Remus muttered, brushing away your tears with his finger. You nodded slowly.

"I've liked you for years." You said at the same time. You laughed, hugging him closer and letting another tear fall.


I hope you liked this chapter gryffindork2ndyear

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