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Ever since the first year, you and Sirius had gotten along great. Sometime during the next six years, feelings had grown and a relationship had been built. Your twin brother James didn't approve at first, but after he saw how much Sirius cared for you he told you that he gave you his blessing.

But relationships have issues, and this story is about yours. When you and James found out about Sirius' home life, you had forced him to move in with you.

James was planning on going to his house the next day to help him bring everything over, but that night when you were laying on the couch reading, the fireplace had shined green and your beaten boyfriend appeared.

"Mom! Dad! James!" Sirius heard your concerned voice shout, and then the distant thud if something falling. Arms were behind his back lifting him up.

"What the hell did they do to you?" You muttered. He took a deep breath and forced a smile at you.

"Face it, you still find me irresistible." He muttered. You chuckled when the footsteps came thundering down the stairs.

"Y/N, what wro- oh my god."James gaped at the scene before leaping forward so he was crouched in front of him.

"Bloody hell, mate." He sighed. Sirius smirked at him.

"I'm still better looking than you, Prongs." Sirius coughed into his fist.

Your mother fretted over Sirius for hours with you and James pacing in front of his door. When she left a smile was on her face. "He's going to be fine. And he's asking for you." She told you. You nodded and walked into the room quietly.

The door clicked behind you. You sat down on the bed next to him, running your hand through his long hair.

"I'm sorry." He murmured, his eyes closing involuntarily at the feeling of your fingers running through his hair.

"Don't be." You whispered back, climbing under the covers and sitting against the pillows. You ran your fingers through his hair until he fell asleep in your arms.


After that, things were great. Until... they weren't.

Being in such close proximity with Sirius was putting a strain on your relationship no matter how much you didn't want it to. The arguments at night had gotten more frequent, yet they were kept hidden from your family as James was always with Sirius during it.

Your most recent argument had been about how you were "smothering him". You retorted saying how could you smother him when he was never with you. That led to an even longer fight that hadn't ended until you stormed out of his room at around three in the morning. You had instantly gone outside to get some air and sit in your garden.

You didn't understand what had been going on lately with you both. One minute he was hugging you and kissing you but then the next he was accusing you of smothering him.

You were kicked out of your thoughts by footsteps coming from the house.

"Go away Sirius. Wouldn't want people to think I'm smothering you or anything." You called loudly, resting your head against the cold metal chain next to you.

"I'm- I'm sorry." He told you when he got close enough. "I just..."

"I don't want to fight anymore." You muttered, moving your head to look down to your lap. He hummed in agreement and sat down next to you on the swing.

"Let just agree on one thing." He started, moving to look at you. You opened your eyes and looked at him to show that you were listening. "No more arguing."

You nodded tiredly, spotting over and laying your head down on his shoulder. "I think that's best." You muttered. He kissed your forehead softly, wrapping his arm around your shoulders.

When James woke up and couldn't find Sirius or you in your rooms he panicked, but then he saw your cat scratching at the outside door. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked outside to see the both of you cuddled up on the swing asleep.

"Idiots." He tsked. He let your cat out and watched them climb up and sit on your lap. He smiled but snorted when they hit Sirius hand that laid on your waist.


This request is for merridyrussellx whom I apologize deeply for the extremely long wait. I hope this was good!

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