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G/Y/H- Girl You Hate

The music was blaring, the thundering beat making the floor and walls shake around you. The room of requirement was an ideal place for parties but once inside you almost wished that it didn't exist. Parties really weren't your favorite thing but they were fun at some points.

But this party was about to get a lot more interesting. Watching your crush dance with his girlfriend and show his adoration for her was heartbreaking but manageable- just barely. So when you saw that Sirius was alone your interest was piqued.

The marauders didn't really like his girlfriend that much, that was obvious. They had to deal though because she was constantly up Sirius' ass. Your eyes scanned the room and what you saw made your heart stop.

There was Sirius' girlfriend, G/Y/H, dragging James into a nearby closet. He was visibly struggling from what you could see which only made you rush towards the two faster.

But out of your peripheral vision you could see Sirius running with an angry expression on his face towards them. Unfortunately, Sirius was faster and fueled by anger. You saw him grab James by the front of the shirt, shoving him into the wall.

"What the hell, man?" James yelled.

"Why were you trying to kiss my girlfriend?" Sirius yelled back, grip tightening on his friends shirt.

"I didn't kiss her, Mate! She tried to kiss me!" James insisted loudly, pushing at his friends grip.

"He's lying, Siri. He was pushing me towards the closet and was telling me not to tell you." G/Y/H retorted to Sirius, pouting slightly and leaning against his side.

"No, shes the one lying. I saw James struggling against her grip when she was the one dragging him away." You stepped in next to James also pushing at Sirius hands.

Sirius shook his head, looking over at his girlfriend with furrowed eyebrows. "Stay away from the both is us James." He told his now ex-friend, walking away with one last shove to his shirt. James glared at G/Y/H's back as she strutted away with one final wink to the pair.

"What a bitch." You murmured, grabbing James arm and dragging him towards where Remus and Peter were watching with wide eyes.

"He'll come around, I swear." You told James who simply grumbled and drained his drink in one swift flick of the wrist.

The next day you were sporting a massive headache, thankful that it was a Saturday and you had time to recover. So dressed in comfortable clothes and sunglasses you started your trek to the kitchens for a late breakfast.

But what you saw made you freeze in your tracks, seeing G/Y/H making out with another guy that certainly was not her boyfriend.

Forgetting about your splitting headache you ran back to the common room and up the stairs to the boys dormitories, where the four boys were still sleeping quietly. At the sound of their door opening they shot up and rubbed their eyes.

"What the hell is going on?" James muttered, slipping on his glasses. Sirius sat up and put on a quidditch sweatshirt from the floor.

"Come with me." You grabbed Sirius' arm despite his protests and pushed him through the common room portrait with the other boys following groggily.

Yet everyone was wide awake once they saw G/Y/H pressed against the wall. "G/Y/H?" Sirius questioned quietly.

Her eyes popped open and she pushed the guy off of her. "Ew, what the hell?" She yelled at the guy, wiping her mouth. But the damage was done.

"Oh don't pretend for my sake. We're through. You made me hate my best friend because of you being a cheating whore." She simply gaped at him before scoffing and pushing Y/N's shoulder as she walked past.

Said girl grit her teeth, going to follow her But was held back by Sirius' arm across her stomach. "Thank you." His voice was shaky as he spoke which made her look at him in shock.

Tears were building in his steel grey eyes that were locked into his best friends form

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Tears were building in his steel grey eyes that were locked into his best friends form. James shook his head. "You're fine mate. I understand." He smiled slightly when Sirius stepped forward and pulled him into a hug. "I'm sorry James." He muttered.

After a few minutes the only two left in the hallway were Sirius and Y/N. He smiled at you. "Thank you for telling me about her. I never apologized for ignoring you." He realized.

"I know that you are, you don't have to apologize." You insisted, hugging him around the waist. He hugged you back, resting his chin on your head.

When they pulled away Sirius' face was extremely close to your own. His breath was fanning against yours which made shivers go down your spine.

"Did I ever tell you how much I like you?" He murmured quietly, leaning forward and letting his lips brush against yours.

"I don't think so." You muttered uselessly, not moving as he kissed you properly. When he felt you not love at all he assumed the worst and pulled away frantically.

"I'm sorry, I should have given you more warning but the entire moment thing just-"

"Sirius, it's not that." You insisted, hands going to his shoulders to calm him down. He furrowed his eyebrows at you. "Then why didn't you-?"

"That was my first kiss, Sirius." You smiled calmly at him.

"I was, I was your first kiss?" He sounded shocked but happy nonetheless.

"Yeah, you were." You hugged him again around his neck, hearing him cheer silently and smirking slightly in amusement.

"Fucking finally-!"

"James shut up!"


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