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Small imagine for this bean :')


You fiddled with the corner of the page of your book as you read. Your back was pressed against the wall of the windowsill you sat on, the rain casting shadows on your face from the streetlights of Hogsmeade which cascaded throughout the room.

Your fuzzy sock covered feet folded under you and your sweat covered your hands as your held a cup of hot butterbeer in your lap.

It was the perfect day for you, rainy, quiet, and peaceful.

Plus, your boyfriend Remus was supposed to be joining you at any minute. Speak of the devil, he was walking towards you right now. You grinned and moved forward so he could sit behind you. He immediately wrapped his arms around you and brought you closer to him, reading the book over your shoulder.

"Have you read it without me?" He murmured.

"No." You smirked, leaning against the window.

"I totally believe you." He poked your nose before moving so you sat in between his legs, your head against his shoulder. You handed him your butterbeer and he grinned in thanks, taking a sip and then handing it back to you.

He took the book from you, grinning at your pout. "I have to catch up with you, love."

"But you know I'll fall asleep." You whined.

"And then we'll just have to do this again." He smiled. You didn't try holding back the grin at the thought of that.

You hummed before cuddling into his chest like a cat, your butterbeer in the sill next to you.

As your breathing slowed down, Remus looked down at you with a small smile, his thumb pushing back some hair that had fallen into your face. 

From the corner of the room, the other marauders smiled as they watched the interaction.

"That could be you and Evans but she hates you." Sirius snickered. James flipped him off and continued his homework.


Hope you like this cute and adorable little one shot:))

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