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"Listen, if you really want that date this weekend then you have to make some changes." She looked at him in fake sadness.

"Like what?" He asked warily.

"No more of the smoking and drinking. No more motorcycle gangs, or whatever. Stop hanging with those other boys... and lastly, stop talking to (Y/N)."

James furrowed his eyebrows before sighing.

And nodding yes.

Present time

The next few days were very strange. James was ignoring the other boys and (Y/N), spending his time with (Y/N)'s old friends. The preppy jocks and jerks.

To say they were all confused and pissed would be an understatement.

Finally, they decided to confront James about it. He was sitting outside of the school wearing a letterman jacket over a white button up with black pants.

(Y/N) fiddled with her bracelets as her, Sirius, Remus and Peter walked up to the big group of football players and cheerleaders.

Remus cleared his throat as Sirius winked at one of the cheerleaders. (Y/N) rolled her eyes before pushing in front of him and glaring at James, making eye contact with him.

"Why have you been avoiding us?" She questioned, stepping forward slightly. Her voice was cold and her posture was tense.

James laughed, though on the inside all he wanted to do was join his old friends. Sirius furrowed his eyebrows and stepped up next to her.

"You think this is funny?" He asked, a slightly hurt expression on his face.

James tightened his grip on Lily's shoulder and scoffed. "I think it's funny that you actually thought I was your friend. I mean who would want to be friends with you guys of all people." (Y/N)'s lips parted in shock at his words.

Sirius tightened his jaw as did the other two boys. Peter grabbed (Y/N)'s hand and dragged her away from the boys. She stumbled as tears formed in her eyes, her hands going to her mouth to cover her quivering bottom lip.

 She stumbled as tears formed in her eyes, her hands going to her mouth to cover her quivering bottom lip

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(Wanda is my child akdbsjdb)

Peter pulled her into a hug, sitting down on the ground as her shaky knees gave weight to her shaky form. She collapsed and sobbed into Peters shoulder, him brushing through her hair with his hands and telling her not to look up.

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