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(Y/N) leaned against the wall of a convenience store as she stood in an alley way, a cigarette hanging from her lips. She sighed before stomping her cigarette into the ground with her black converse.

You see, (Y/N) (L/N) was the kind of girl that when people saw her, they immediately think, "That looks like a trouble maker" or "We better avoid her". Her personal favorite was when a mother told her child specifically not to grow up to be like her.

If she lived in a big city she might have not been judged as hard. But when you lived in a small, perfect town like Riverdale, then you can bet money that the girl who wore black, smoked, had piercings and tattoos, and had died hair would be the outcast.

That was the thing about this town. If you were different in any way, you were immediately known as an outcast. And news travels fast in a small town.

So when news got around that the innocent little (L/N) girl got into drugs and alcohol... the town was the definition of shook. It all started when her mother married her step dad, who lived on the other side of the tracks, which separated the good from the bad in this damned town of stereotypes. Anyways, she moved in with her step dad and then started talking to some people who lived there. They eventually got her to smoke a cigarette, take a shot.

Now she was addicted to both. (Don't do drugs kids) He grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. And now she would too. When she went back to school after that summer, everything had changed.

Her old friends started treating her differently, especially Lily Evans, who now simply gave her cold looks and glared every day. But she gained some new friends.

That motorcycle gang that used to annoy the living shìt out of her? Yeah, now she was best friend with all of them.

And they weren't ugly, if you know what I mean.

The one she was closest to was named James, and when she was going through her stage of transforming, he had been there to help her.

No one believed that a leather wearing gang leader could be so kind, but one thing (Y/N) learned was to not judge a book by its cover. Sirius was like a brother to her, constantly annoying yet loving at the same time, Remus was also like a brother to her, except he was the rare kind that was actually nice and caring. Peter was one of her best friends, although she got kind of a strange vibe from him.

You loved James to death, but the fact that he was always flirting with Evans, the good girl, may or may not have upset you just a little bit. He knew how much she hurt you, so why even acknowledge her existence?

Because she had boobs and a nice áss, that's why.

Anyway, she was getting off topic. (She, also known as the author)

(Y/N) grabbed her bag from the ground, taking out another cigarette and putting it into her pocket. You quickly walked across the train tracks towards school. You sighed as you saw Lily Evans drive past with her friend Marlene McKinnon in the passenger street. They both glared at you before driving faster away.

You bit your pierced lip before sighing and tugging at your beanie that covered your (F/C) dip dyed hair. You heard the familiar rumbling of a motorcycle and grinned, stopping in the middle of the road.

You turned to see your four best friends smirking at you. "Need a ride?" James asked you.

"I could use one, yeah." You told him, walking over towards the group of four.

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