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YouTube. Something the muggles have come up with. Over the past years it had blown up, some people getting over a million subscribers on their profiles. You had managed to get 2 million the past year you had been posting videos. Although your fans were curious as to why you would only post during holidays and breaks.

You had explained that you went to a very prestigious private school that didn't allow electronics of any kind. And they believed it even though it wasn't a complete lie in the first place.

Hogwarts was a school that you weren't allowed to have any electronic devices from the muggle world. But loopholes are a spectacular way of getting through life.

The room of requirement would allow you to use all of your equipment so you could finally start uploading during the school year, once a week.

As of right now it was your Christmas holiday, which meant you would be going back home. At least that's what you thought. Due to a family emergency, you found out you would be staying with some family friends- the Potters.

Which meant you'd also be staying with the entire group of marauders. But that was great since you got along fine with all of them.

You needed to go Christmas shopping so you took the marauders along with you to the town nearby, all five of you bundled up in winter clothes. The other marauders looked confused as people pointed their cameras at them and some even shrieked in excitement.

But what had them even more confused was when two teens ran up to them with paper and markers. "Can we get your autograph?" They had asked excitedly, almost shaking.

Sirius was about to be a smart ass and say yes when he saw Y/N nod just as excitedly and quickly sign the papers, then take pictures and hug them- all the while holding pleasant conversation with the two.

"Who were they?" Remus asked curiously, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

You grinned up at him. "Just some friends." You shrugged, walking into another store with them trailing behind you, a certain Marauder staring in awe at you from behind.

When you went back to school everything had been the same except for one thing. Remus' feelings for you had impossibly gotten stronger. So he decided to be a man and confess them to you.

He walked into the great hall quietly and tried to spot you at your table which he eventually did. You sat towards the end with some friends, simply eating and talking.

"Hey Y/N, can I talk to you?" He asked as he walked up to you, hands wringing together behind his back nervously.

"Of course." You said cheerfully, standing up and following behind him willingly. Once he got you into an empty corridor his nerves had really spiked. "So- uh." He stuttered which made you chuckle.

"There's no need to be nervous, Remus." You told him honestly. "We're friends."

"That's what I wanted to talk about, actually. I don't want to be your friend." Your face feel slightly at his words. "No! No- not that way. I mean I want to be more than friends." He confessed, stepping back slightly.

You grinned widely at him. "You sure, Remus? I'm a lot to handle." You smiled.

"I think I can handle you, Miss L/N." He told you with a smirk, hugging you close to him as his nerves faded away with each passing second.

Now it was your seventh year and you and Remus had been dating for three years with no to little fights over stupid things.

He had followed you to the room of requirement and waited until you went in, then followed after you through the door that appeared.

What he saw almost blew him away. You sat on a comfy looking chair, strumming a guitar and singing along to Love Story by Taylor Swift.

He stayed behind and simply listened to you for a few minutes until the end of your song, clapping when you finished.

You jumped and sat up, the guitar falling into the chair you were previously sitting in. "What the hell are you doing here?" You asked with a small grin, walking towards him and grabbing his hands.

He didn't reply, simply pulled you close to him and kissed you softly. After a few moments he pulled away and muttered softly, "marry me." Which made you jump again.

"What? But we're only seventeen." You argued, shaking your head at him.

"Is that a no?"

"No! Definitely not a no! But we're so young, Remus." You grabbed his hands and kissed his knuckles softly.

"Does it matter?" He asked you honestly which made you pause.

"I guess not."

Two years later you were still engaged, but to everyone you might as well be married. The only reason you weren't was because you were always busy, and you didn't have the money for a wedding.

Straight out of school you knew you wouldn't be choosing a career in the wizarding world. A full time YouTuber sounded pretty great to you.

Now with five million subscribers that were only growing, your fame was also sky rocketing.

Some people questioned who your "mysterious" boyfriend was but you never acknowledged it until Remus started asking questions about it.

He would question why kids that you couldn't have possibly known ran up to you in the street asking for pictures and hugs. And you'd always comply.

So you sat him down one night and explained the concept of YouTube. How an entire world of people were posting and watching videos on there and it was even a career choice for some just like you.

He was extremely supportive and now he understood everything that went on in your life away from him and while he was at work.

The next day your many subscribers all saw a video pop up on their feed. "Meet My Boyfriend": Live-streamed at 12:00 am.

Millions clicked to watch and saw you sitting on a couch next to a very attractive male that looked slightly camera shy.

"Hello everybody, and welcome back to my channel. Today I would like all of you to meet my boyfriend and fiancé of two years, Remus Lupin. I want you all to ask any questions you can think of and we will answer them."

As the video went on Remus got more comfortable with the camera and the fans and they ended up sharing their story- keeping up that they both went to boarding school.

By the end of it your fans and you were satisfied with the outcome of the live stream.

"You should start a channel." You suddenly told Remus who choked out a laugh through his water glass.


Ah omg this is so bad but whatevs. Hope you guys enjoyed this slightly different chapter!

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