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Being a teenage girl in the same year as Sirius Black was tough, especially since you seemed to have caught his eye.

You had been friends since you were children, yet around third year he had simply left you for his new friends.

I mean, who cares if you've been friends since birth. People that you've none for two years obviously are more important apparently.

One day you were talking and laughing as is, but then he stopped all contact with you.

You were hurt, and still were four years later. But you had moved on for the most part. You got new friends, a new boyfriend.

Who then cheated on you with your ex best friend. That hurt.

Now you were sitting in the windowsill, a frown on your face. An old friend had come up to you, asking you to hang out. It was the friend that dated your boyfriend, and you didn't know what she wanted from you.

You heard Sirius walk past, asking your Potions teacher for extra credit. Your aśshole of a teacher declined and said he would have to study harder.

You jumped down from the ledge and walked up next to him. "You know, if you ever needed help with a certain potions class, I could help with that."

He gave you a side glance, continuing his walk. "Why would you want to help me." You paused.  Why were you helping him?

"Cause I'm a nice person and give second chances." You grinned at the taller man. He stopped and looked at you, a blank expression on his face. 

"Fine, meet me in the library at eight tonight." He walked off, his friends talking to him about something that you couldn't hear over the hustle and bustle of the students.

You smiled to yourself. Maybe you could try to fix your relationship with him after all.

"There's a party tonight, eight o clock." James Potter told his friend with a smirk. Sirius furrowed his eyebrows before nodding at James.


You sat in the library for four hours waiting for Sirius to show up. He never did. At ten thirty at night, you packed up your stuff and walked out of the library, tears collecting in your vision.

As you walked out you felt someone bump into you, obviously in a rush. "(Y/N)!" A familiar voice said in shock.

You immediately glared at the man in front of you. You ignored him, bumping his shoulder as you walked past.

"What the hell, (L/N)! I thought we were supposed to study tonight." He called after you. You stopped and turned around, a glare aimed right at him. You've never felt such fury at anyone in your entire life.

"Four and a half hours ago, Black! I'm done trying to mend something that's permanently damaged. Goodbye." Your voice lowered to a mutter as you continued walking away.

Sirius' heart broke as he watched you walk away. He convinced himself he wasn't good for you, so he distanced himself until the relationship you had built up was broken.

Now, watching you walk away from him, he realized how wrong that was.


You leaned your head onto your palm, your eyes closing as you attempted to eat your breakfast. You hadn't been able to fall asleep last night after your fight with Sirius, or you screaming at him.

Sirius tried to get your attention, yet you ignored him.

As you walked to your first class, someone dragged you into an empty classroom. You were about to rat them out before you noticed who it was.

"What do you want?" You sighed, rubbing your eyes tiredly.

"What's your problem?" He asked you, leaning against the desk. Your face flushed with anger.

"What's my problem? My problem is that the only family I ever had left me for people he had only known for two years. He left me in the dust, completely ignoring me for four years. My other best friend dated my cheating ex boyfriend. So I decided to try again. And I thought we were getting somewhere, but he left me for four hours on my own, waiting for for my best friend." Tears escaped your eyes, you desperately trying to wipe them away.

Sirius heart broke even more. "I'm so sorry. I thought it would be best, so I pushed you away. I didn't think I deserved you, I'm a failure." His voice cracked.

'Is he seriously making this about him?' You questioned yourself. You turned to walk away, but he caught your arm again.

"Please, (N/N)." He pleaded with you. You shook your head.

"I can't do this anymore, Sirius. I'm done being heartbroken all the time. Just leave me alone." You told him, slamming the door as you walked away from your ex best friend.


I know there's no happy ending, but honestly what would you have done? I wouldn't have forgiven him. But I hope you enjoyed another short chapter :)

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