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Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry. The school of dreams to many and a second home to others. There were many things that you loved about this school, but James Potter was certainly not one of them.

You don't know what you did to him but ever since the first year of school he had had it out for you, constantly teasing you or pushing you in the hallways.

Today was already a bad day. You had gotten a letter that morning saying that your favorite uncle had passed away and considered not even getting up to go to classes, but that was impossible.

So you sucked it up and showered and of course- you had started your period. You groaned loudly, dressing and putting on some tight shorts underneath her skirt. (Something I personally do)

Then when you were walking down the hallway towards the great hall, a boy from Ravenclaw had tried to flirt with you but you simply pushed him aside- literally- and continued on your way. When your friends saw you sit down at the table they immediately knew that something was wrong.

But they didn't push it, instead continuing their conversations and eating their food. You were thankful for that.

But then James freaking Potter had to waltz into the great hall right towards you. Your grip tightened on your fork as you saw him walk towards you in your peripheral vision.

"Well good morning L/N, lovely morning isn't it." You ignored him, picking at your food and leaning your head against your fist. Your head was starting to pound and classes hadn't even started yet.

"What, cat got your tongue?" He teased, poking your arm and that was when you snapped.

Standing up with your bag in hand, you threw it over your shoulder. "You know, for someone that doesn't like me you sure do spend a lot of time around me Potter. Take the hint and leave me alone." With that you pushed past him, your bag smacking him with a small 'oof'.

He watched you leave with a small frown as he heard his friends laughing at his expense along with your friends.

Meanwhile you were speed walking to your first class, not looking up from the ground you were walking on. When you felt yourself hit something you initially would ignore it and keep going, but this something made sound and moved.

You looked up and frowned at the Slytherin green tie decorating their uniform. "Watch where you're going L/N." He sneered. It was not the day to mouth you.

"Maybe you should take that stick out of your ass and try to see a few feet in front of your ego a larger brain." With that said you scoffed and tried to push past him (you seemed to be doing that a lot lately).

But he grabbed your arm and brought you back. "No one talks to me like that."

"Well I just did." She struggled in his grip and despite herself felt her heartbeat pick up in fear.

"Bi-" he was cut off by the sound of a spell being uttered and green light shooting past you and right at his chest which knocked him back a few feet. You spun around and saw James twirling his wand in hand.

"What the hell?" You questioned loudly, picking up your bag that had fallen previously.

"A thank you would be nice." He tsked, taking a few steps towards you.

You sighed loudly. "Thanks Potter. Now, go back to what I said in the great hall and leave me alone." You started to walk away but was stopped when he called your name frantically.

"What is it, Potter?"

"Um... would you like to- um- go to Hogsmeade with me?" He stuttered our at your incredulous look, eyes widened and mouth agape.

"You've been nothing but rude to me since our first year here." You told him in shock.

"I know and I'm sorry but I've always liked you and maybe it's because you always had a comeback or never stood down but-"

"I'll go with you James. But you better not be late." You threatened, backing away from him while pointing at his chest.

"No- no. I definitely won't." He was till in shock as he watched you back away from his gaping form, a playful smile on your lips.


Thanks for reading and I hope you liked this request calumonmymind!

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