Chapter 17: Break out

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As a group we walk back to the lifts, only to find them destroyed. One of the fighters must have done it. I am about ask the others what we should do when I am made to jump by the deafening sound of the very same helicopter from before temperature test flying towards us. It quickly and when it does, something tells us that we should get in.

Those that still remain of us all step up into the stark metal machine and it's thick doors slide shut behind us. It takes off and begins to ascend, it isn't moving in any direction but up. For at least 5 minutes all we do is rise until the clouds are below us. That's when we all see it. A vast ship that looms above us. Its hovering in mid air and must be two times the size of a large football stadium.

I can see a large opening in its side that looks like it contains other helicopters and aircraft that look extremely futuristic. We are flying towards it now and Sage turns to me looking scared but excited. "Are we going to be prisoners or royalty? Are there going to be other test subjects like us?" I shrug because the answers to both of these questions do not lie with me but in the infinite space of machinery that lays ahead of us.

Once we land the doors slide open and we are greeted, well I think a better description would be arrested, by 4 large men and about six normal size men who are carrying guns. The large men produce thick handcuffs that are made of a substance I had never seen before and they are placed tightly around our wrists. We are then ushered roughly into a corridor that leads off to the east of side of the landing station.

"I guess it's prisoners." Sage said full of a cheerful type of sarcasm. I laugh and am abruptly silenced by one of the large men pushing me hard and causing me to stumble and almost fall flat on my face. I re-gain my balance and in my coldest tone possible reply by saying "try that again"
Sage turns, "Its not worth it Magnus, leave it." The man laughed and pushed me again so I burst out in a terrifying display of raged. I'm not proud of what I do next. Well, at least that's what Sage thinks. I turn around and kick this man straight in the face and he stumbles back blood pouring from his nose crying in agony. A small man shoots a bullet at me and Sage cries out hoping the worst doesn't happen. It doesn't. I shield myself with my hand cuffs and they snap off. He fires again but he is too late, before the other men even have time to realise, I have taken a large and a small man and am holding his gun, aiming it at them.

One of them turns and takes a shot, he misses. And I shoot his leg so that he stumbles to the ground and drops his gun. Sage takes hold of it and the remaining 7 men slowly kneel down with their hands up. "You will radio your boss and say that we got away, but direct them the other way." I demand. One of the men beeps his walkie talkie and fakes an air of distress "They got away, heading towards the west wing!" Almost instantly an alarm starts to go off.

Me, Sage, Tyler and Zoe begin to run in the opposite direction of west wing. We don't know what we are running to but we do know that we don't want to be imprisoned. It's when we are just about to stop for a breather that something inexplicable happens. We are raised up off our feet and are held in place by a force too strong to fight.

I can hear a mans foot steps coming from around the corner and I know that he will very soon see us. He rounds the corner and looks at us. Laughing. He is not wearing the same red and grey rubber suit that the guards were wearing but instead a long black baggy robe that seems to float around him, giving him a dumbledorey look. "I thought you would be quicker to escape, it seems that you are more patient than I hoped."
"What is this! Why can't we move!" Zoe screams at him.
"It's something that one of you may soon be able to do." He replies in a mysterious voice. I can't help but smile at the thought of being able to control someone's movements with out even having to touch them.

"Come along now. You wouldn't want to miss the final." He flicks his finger in the direction that we are walking and we float smoothly after him. I want to ask him how he knew where we were but I almost just know that the response will be one that I don't understand. Sage calls out "what's the final."
He simply replies "Your last test, the test that will decide if you are ready or not." With that silence falls upon us and we continue to float down the corridor until he turns down a smaller passage and stops abruptly. Dropping us as he does so.

"Ouch!" Tyler says breaking the silence.
"This is it!" He places his hand on a small pad on the wall and it appears to scan his hand. Then a section of the wall slides open to reveal a secret door. There is a small screen on the door that suggests that it requires a code, it does and the man enters it. Then the door slides open and what we see is not what we expected.

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