Chapter 21: Memories

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I have had only one girlfriend in my life, she was nice. Pretty. We met through school and confessed our feelings for each other one night when we were out walking along the beach. That night she came back to my house and I had my first kiss. It was a beautiful night. But after that we just sort of drifted apart and what had been felt before was over.

I told Sage about this at the time and I could never understand why she wasn't happy for me. She never liked that girl. I couldn't work it out until 10 minutes ago.

As me and Sage sat side by side her head resting on my shoulder I felt the same feeling I had that night on the beach but with an intensity that made it feel true. I could feel a warm glow floating all around my body and it made me feel lighter and happier than I had since the night we had once watched a film together but Sage had got bored and gone to sleep on the sofa beside me with her arms draped over me.

She smelt of home, her hair spilt out a scent that filled me with memories, the time that we had had a sleepover and there had only been one mattress so we had slept together and the time that we went to Disney land and she sat next to me on all of the rides despite her friends being there too.

It was these memories that made me love her, it was that her beauty on the outside was matched so perfectly by her strong, wonderful personality on the inside.

And that was why I kissed her, I didn't quite understand what I was doing until after, she had told me she loved me and everything inside of me went numb, I left my body and a force greater than me took over. It urged me to kiss her with a push that felt less like a forceful one than one that you know you must follow.

So I'm sitting here in this hospital with the most beautiful girl resting on my shoulder knowing that soon this moment of peace and rest will come to an end. I try to remember everything. Like how she has 6 empty coffee cups left on my beside table because she has stayed up all night waiting for me. Like how her iPod's earphones are dangling down the table edge with the faint sound of her un paused music still ringing out. Like how her head fits perfectly into the angle of my shoulder, neck and chin. How it feels like it's meant to be.

I cling on to these memories and I know that it's the end when the familiar sound of the loud speaker turning on resonates and echoes across the hard surfaces of the dormitory.

"Well done, the tests are complete. You have survived and received your powers. There has been death sadness and pain. Whilst there will be lots more it will be for the greater good of the world you still love. There are two weeks until we are supposed to have you ready for deployment and in those you'r powers will be honed and you will be trained by the experts you will now meet. Good luck Sage, good luck Magnus. It's not going to be easy." With that the anticipated sound of the tannoy turning off satisfied our awaiting ears and we now looked towards the door.

It slid open as if answering to our expressions and in walked two people. One of them was wearing a lab coat and looked as if he did not want to be here, like he had other things to do. The other though was a tall spindly thin lady who had hair that stuck up as if struck by lighting. Her peculiar look filled me with questions but before any of them could be answer the man asked me to follow him out of the door. He briskly walked out and despite every atom in my body wanting to stay with Sage I followed. Quickly kissing her on the cheek and then walking out.

We walked in silence for about a minute down a LED lit corridor and then turned towards a door that slid open as the man placed his card that hung around his neck via a cord on a small scanner slightly to the left of the doors handle.

He gestured me in and I obediently went in only to find that he would not follow me and in fact lock the door that I had just entered so full of curiosity through.

I took in my surroundings. I was in a room 10 meters by 10, it was all white and contained 5 things. A bed, a table, a sink, a toilet and rather strangely a telescope. I walked over to it and as I did so the roof above me began to disappear leaving a large hole that revealed the beautiful nights sky. My eyes were instantly drawn to my star and I once again felt the power. It still felt amazing and I imagined that it would never grow old. Just before I peered into the telescope a piece of paper was slid through a small hatch that was in the thick door. It had tiny neat writing on it that read 'you have no trainer, you must discover your power. Study your star and push yourself to you limit. When you have enough power it won't be hard to break out of this room.' As if on cue once I had finished reading it it burned up and disappeared completely. I knew that my mission was in the star. And that the only way to get out of this place and to find Sage was to get my powers.

So I walked over to the telescope and aimed it at my star and looked down the hole. When I did what I felt was unlike anything imaginable.

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