Chapter 23: Space

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Pure energy. I can feel it surging through my veins to every part of my. It feels my body with unspeakable power and just like before, I begin to glow.

It's a more intense colour this time. Almost purple. As the wings form and expand I raise up from the ground and feel the ability to go anywhere that I want. Just as I begin to head up further into the sky I feel something else starting to happen. I look at my right hand and just like my shoulders it is glowing more brightly than the rest of

It's when I move my hand towards my face to get a better look that a beam of light identical to that of the light that the star emits shoots out of it and narrowly missed my head. I can feel its heat and I move my self away from the direction of my hand. Somehow I know how to stop it and I do. Smiling, this is cool.

I direct my hand at the ground below me and let the energy release. Again the beam of light forms and hits the floor with a huge bang and leaves a massive black mark as if it has been burned. Which I assume it has. I do it again, this time allowing the beam to be continuous creating a kind of pillar of light.

I drop back to the ground because I know it's time to find Sage. I can't wait to find out what she has learnt to do.

I focus my hand on the door and burn a hole in it so that I can walk through. As I do so I see her. Looking beautiful as ever. "Sage!"

She turns and smiles as we run towards each other embracing one another at contact. I peck her on the cheek and she blushes. I smile back at her and together we walk towards the door at the end of the corridor.

"What can you do?!?" I ask her.
"Oh I'm sure you will find out." She says, smirking. Then she proceeds to destroy the door that stands between us and whatever the room behind it contains with a huge lightning bolt I have no idea how she summons. "Well that's new" half scared half impressed I say. No, not half, fully. She always has and always will terrify me.

We step through the brutally destroyed door frame and emerge in a large room that is starkly decorated with only a few spotlights for lighting and every wall colour the same bland white that we have seen in all of the other rooms.

The dreaded but familiar sound of the speaker starts and that same old boring almost computerised voice begins to speak. "Now that you have got your powers I assume you don't think you have to listen to us any more. Soon you won't. Soon you won't have to. Soon you will be on your own but until then we must prepare you for the world that the war created. In the room beyond this there are some beds and also lots and lots of food. So eat and get some sleep because tomorrow will not be as easy as this.

With that it turns of and we proceed towards the door. "Your turn" Sage teasingly says. Just as I did before I focus my hand on the door and burn a hole through it. "Ow! Thats a little bright!" Laughing I allow a bright glow to come from my hand and shine it in sage's face making her instinctively close her eyes. She moves away and turns back around this time with a smile on her face. A small but visible flicker of electricity on her finger. "No. No. No." I start to back away but she dives for me and zaps me making me shudder. "Hey! Save it for the bad guys!" She sniggers and together walk into the next room where the promised beds and food are waiting.

Too tired for food we agree to sleep. I take of my shirt and get into bed. Sage laughs and says "you wish!" She gets into her bed and the lights turn off. I can sense a feeling of disappointment coming from both of us so I stand up and push my bed up to sages and get back in. She hugs me and like that, we fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2018 ⏰

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