Mia has been best friends with clay and Jeff ever since kindergarten but then Mia develops different new feelings for Jeff after she spends more time with him but she's scared to let Jeff know her true feelings, she's scared that her feelings can ch...
After school I ran towards Justin as he was opening the car door. I got close to Justin and I looked at him Within a second I slapped him. "What the fuck Mia." Justin said as he looked at me in shock.
"Your an asshole." I said as I looked at him with anger.
"What the fuck are you talking about?" Justin said putting his stuff in the car and then he crossed his arm.
"I told you to tell the truth but you lied."I said.
"I know I'm sorry."
"Don't tell ME that, tell that to Hannah. Everyone think she's easy."
"Well Bryce didn't let me speak."
"Then you tell him to shut the fuck up for once and then you tell the fucking truth."
Justin just stood there and then Jeff walks up to us. "Hey Mia you okay?" Jeff said as he got close to us.
"Yea I'm fine." I look at Justin and I walk away from him and I start to put the skateboard down and I get ready to go.
"Wait Mia, you want a ride." Jeff says before I leave.
I look at him and think for a second. "Yea sure." I pick up my skateboard and I walk towards jeffs car and I get inside. Jeff drops me off to my house and I wave goodbye then he drives off. I get inside my house and I do my homework.
A couple of months pass by and everyone is freaking about the school dance. As you know dancing isn't really my thing. But a lot of girls have been wanting to go with the cutest or the most popular guy in school.
I walk into the library and I see clay and Jeff talking I walk towards the table and I sit down next to them.
"Hey is it me or is this dance is just not a big deal." I say as I put my books down.
"See, finally someone thinks this dance is stupid." Clay says.
"Okay but Hannah's going so you need to go." Jeff says.
"Okay Hannah's going that's cool." Clay says shrugging his shoulder.
"Wait Hannah's going?" I say with a smile on my face.
"Yea but clay doesn't want to go because he's to nervous to ask her to dance." Jeff says.
"Clay you need to go."
"For what?"
"Because you like Hannah and maybe going with her at the dance will help you out to ask her out on an actual date." I say to clay.
"No I'm not going." Clay says
"Wait how about a deal we can make it fair." Jeff says.
"Okay fine." Clay says.
"I get at least a B on my test you have to go, but if I get lower then a B I won't force you to go." Jeff says.
"That sounds like a fair deal." I say.
"Fine deal." Clay says.
"So Mia are you going to the dance."
"Me? Oh no I'm not." Jeff and clay give me a weird look.
"Umm you're going." Clay says.
"What? No I'm not."
"Mia you basically forced me to go."
"You got a deal I'm now being forced." I said to clay.
"Just go please." Jeff says.
"Okay I'll go if clay goes." I say to both of em.
"Fine deal." Jeff says.
Hours passed by and school ended it was time for me to go home I skated to my house and I did my homework. I went to monéts and I saw Jeff sitting down with a coffee on the table and he has books and papers on the table.
I walk up to Jeff and I sit across the table from him. "Wow Jeff you really want clay to go." I say as I look at him.
"Oh shit you scared me." Jeff says as he looks up and takes a deep breath.
"I didn't know you study." I said as I giggled a little.
"Really I just want clay to stop being clay for a second and grow some balls and ask her to dance."
"I know, he's just nervous he thinks she won't like him back."
"Well he's dumb it's obvious she likes him back."
"True,true." I get up and grab my bookbag. "Anyways I'll leave you here to study I gotta get home anyways."
"Okay well I'll see you at the dance tomorrow night."
"Depends if you pass you're test and if clay goes I go."
"Don't worry I will get a B on my test."
"Okay sure." I walk away and I skate to my house and I take a shower and I go to sleep.
The next day I get up and I do my usual morning routine. I get to school and I go to my classes. Classes go by and then lunch comes by.
"Okay so two more hours till I get my test back." Jeff says as he walks up to our table with his tray.
"Okay." Clay says.
We all talked during lunch and just ate after lunch I had math class and I went to math and basically just doodled on my notebook during math.
I had a free period so I went outside and just ate an apple and I was scrolling through Facebook until I got a text message from A group chat jeff made.
Jeff: guess who got a B
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Clay read Mia read Mia: clay you gotta go. Clay:um so do you Mia: what? Clay: remember OUR deal if I go you go. Mia: damnit I was Hoping you'd forget 😑. Jeff: common it'll be fun guys. Mia:well a deal is a Deal. Clay: well I'll see you Tonight guys. -------------------------------------------------------------- I giggled at the conversation and I turned off my phone and I grabbed a book and read. School went by and it was the end of the day so I grabbed my skateboard and went home.
I played some music and just listened until it was time to get ready. I had a dress in the back of my closet that I never wore so I grabbed it and I payed it on my bed and I grabbed a pair of heels then set them next to the dress.
I took a shower and after i did my hair and my makeup. Then I put the dress on I usually don't wear dresses so I felt a little weird.