Chapter 20

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"We have to tell someone!" I said worried.

"What? No we can't." Hannah said.

"Why this is something serious Hannah." I said.

"I know but I can't. That's up to Jessica." Hannah said.

"But I still don't get why Jessica slapped you." I said confused.

"Because she thinks I'm lying like I'm trying to get in her head for revenge when she called me a slut." Hannah said.

"Does anyone else know." I said.

"Justin does, he was the one who let Bryce in." Hannah said.

"Oh god he's an asshole! He let Bryce have sex with Jessica when she was vulnerable and that's his girlfriend." I said worried.

"I know." Hannah said.

The day passed by and school started Jeff and I walked in together in school I saw Hannah putting stuff in her locker then Jessica and Justin came to her.

"Hannah you really are a crazy bitch!" Justin said to Hannah.

"What?" Hannah said in shock.

"Leave Jessica alone! You fucking bitch." Justin shouted once more.

I sped walk towards them and I stood infront of Hannah.

"Back off!" I said angrily.

"Why should I she's the one messing with Jessica." Justin said.

"hannah isn't lying." I said.

"Hannah's trying to lie to you too." Justin said.

"Justin you know the truth so if you really love your girlfriend you wouldn't try and hide it or it's gonna come back and bite you in the ass." I said.

"What is she talking about Justin is Hannah lying or not?" Jessica said.

"You're both fucking crazy." Justin said angry.

"Justin don't fucking test me. You're better then this. You know Hannah's not lying you tell her now or I'll tell her." I said.

"Justin tell me what?" Jessica said.

"Nothing Jessica!" Justin yelled.

"Do you want to lose your girlfriend? Speak up or be a pussy and let Bryce win." I said.

"Can someone just fucking tell me." Jessica said worried.

Justin looked down and stood quiet. Then I broke the silence I may acted like a bitch in the moment for telling her instead of Justin but Justin was too scared and it could've blew up in his face.

"Bryce DID rape you Hannah was never lying and Justin knows it's the truth because he was standing right out that door." I said.

"Justin what does she mean you were standing out the door." Jessica said tearing up.

"He let Bryce in while you were vulnerable." Hannah said in disgust.

"Justin is that true." Jessica said crying.

Justin stood quiet and looked down. Jessica started to cry hard. Then she ran to the bathroom.

"Mia why?" Justin said.

"Because she deserves the right to know you dick!" I said to Justin.

"I couldn't I had to keep it from her I love her I didn't want her to know." Justin said tearing up.

"If you really love her you would've told her. Listen i know Bryce did a lot for you but you don't have to save him because what he did was wrong and disgusting." I said.

Justin looked at me crying.

"I gotta get to class. You do something about the whole situation." I said

I walked away to go to class. During class the speaker went off.

"Hannah baker, Justin foley, and Mia Anderson please come to the office now."

I looked around and everyone looked back at me I grabbed my stuff and walked to the office. I got to the office and the told me to go to the principal I walked inside his office and Jessica, Justin, Hannah were sitting there. I sat down in a chair between Hannah and Justin.

"Okay so I want to know why Jessica is making accusations of Bryce walker raping her." The principal.

We all looked at each other.

"So someone speak up." The principal said once again.

"She's not making accusations it's true." Hannah said.

"How do you know Hannah?" Justin said.

"Because I was there." Hannah said.

"What?" Jessica said.

We all looked at Hannah.

"I was in there with clay we were looking at your rock collection. Something happened and then I heard the door knob rattle as I was getting ready to leave. I ran In the closet and it was you and Justin kissing, but then you said you were tired and he left I was going to get out the closet but then the door opened again, and Bryce walked in you tried to pull him off but he didn't get off he tried to cover your mouth and you were crying. I wanted to save you but I was frozen and scared." Hannah said crying.

"You're lying." Justin said.

"Wait Hannah what time did this happen." I said.

"I don't know probably around 11:30 or so." Hannah said.

"Justin when I went to use the bathroom you were standing outside of Jessica's bedroom at 11:30." I said.

"What is this an investigation?" Justin said.

"No, I went to use the bathroom and I looked at the time to see what time I should go. I saw you crying and I asked you what's wrong you said nothing was wrong you were just drunk and emotional. If you told me I could've helped you stop her from getting raped." I said.

"So Justin is it true?" Jessica said.

"Yes, I'm sorry I love you Jessica and I didn't want to tell you." Justin said.

"So you three admit that Bryce raped Jessica?" The principal said.

We nodded our heads.

"Has this happened again recently." The principal said.

"Well not really rape but harassment." I said.

"What do you mean." The principal said confused.

"Bryce had threw a party not to long ago, Hannah and I were in the hot tub until Bryce came in and started to touch us both then I went inside and told Jeff." I said

"So that's why Jeff was fighting him?" Jessica said.

I nodded my head and then looked at the principal. The principal took the microphone and pressed the button.

"Bryce walker please come to the principals office immediately." The principal said.

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