Chapter 9

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After a couple of days Justin and I went on more and more dates and I was slowly forgetting about Jeff. But I still had some feelings for Jeff but I kept denying it.

"Hey Mia wanna go out tonight." Justin said as he popped up behind me.

"Uh sure." I said as I smiled.

He kissed me on my cheek and I smiled but I turned around and saw Jeff kissing a girl I started to get a little angry but we weren't dating he could go with anyone.

Justin and I were hanging out the whole day together. I had a free period and I went to study I grabbed some books off the shelf and I turned around and I bumped into someone I looked up and it was Jeff we both bent down and grabbed the books , he handed me the last book and I looked at him.

"Um thank you." I said as I grabbed the book.

"You're welcome and sorry for knocking into you." Jeff said as he got up.

I got up and giggled a little.
"It's okay."

"I miss you." Jeff said

I looked at him in surprise.

"I miss you too." I said to Jeff.

We sat down together and studied and talked about how were things going.

"So you go out with Justin." Jeff asked as he wrote down something on his note book.

"We've only been on a couple dates it's nothing that serious. Are you and Bella dating?" I said to him.

"No we've just been on a couple dates." Jeff said.

"Oh okay."

"Why do you date Justin."


"Why do you date him he's an asshole."

"Really? Why do you date Bella she's a bitch."

"You don't talk to her."

"Exactly she doesn't like me."

"You're crazy."

"Really Jeff ?"

"We don't talk anymore it's like Justin tells you not to talk to me."

"You stopped talking to me."

Jeff took a deep breath "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I guess I should've talked to you."

"Mia I don't want to stop being friends I really do miss you."

"I do too." I said
The bell rang and I gathered my stuff and I gave a hug to Jeff before I left the library.

I walked myself to class and I was just thinking about Jeff instead of paying attention to the lesson.

After school I walked home and did my homework after homework I watched tv. Then I went to bed.

More months passed by and me and Jeff became closer again. I was getting ready for a date with Justin again and we had a double date with Jeff and his girlfriend. I was happy but nervous because of the crush I used to have on Jeff.

Justin picked me up and we went to the restaurant together and Jeff and his girlfriend were sitting down at the table waiting for us then They greeted us and we sat down and ordered.

We all had a good time and ate then I was dropped off at home. I walked inside and I heard my parents yelling at each other and arguing. This has been going on for about two months.

I went to my room and took off my heels and I took my clothes off and changed into my pajamas. I went into bed and turned off the light and I fell asleep for a couple hours then I heard glass shatter. There was more screaming I woke up and I rubbed my eyes.

I went into the hallway and I saw my parents room I looked inside and I saw drawers open and clothes everywhere. I went downstairs and I saw a picture of our family shattered on the floor.

I ran outside and my dad was in the car and he drove off.

"Mom what happened." I said as tears started coming down.

"Nothing sweetie go back to bed." My mom said as she started to cry.

I went up to her and I sat next to her and I hugged her. We started to cry together and then an hour later she fell asleep on the couch. I went outside and sat down on the steps. I saw Jeff riding on his skateboard and he stopped by me once he saw me crying.

" okay?" Jeff said as he sat next to me.

"Yea I'm fine." I said as I wiped my tears.

"No you're not."

"I promise you I'm fine."

"What happened."

"My Dad left." I said as I looked down.


"But I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

"No your not fine and I'm going to worry about you ."

"Can you just go with Bella or something."

"Mia please don't do this."

"I'm fine."

I get up and walk towards the door. Jeff stops me and hugs me I start to breakdown and cry but Jeff calms me down. I pull away and I wipe off my tears and I walk inside.

I go to sleep and the next day I get up for school. Justin greets me by giving me a kiss and I smile at him and I walk to my locker. I turn around and I see Jeff talking to Bella and then she looks happy and starts hugging him and then kisses him.

I turn around and I just mind my business and keep on with my stuff. School is the same as ever and I just wait till the day is over. The end of the day comes and I walk home again and do my natural routine.

Justin comes to my house and and asks me out again to dinner and that he has a special surprise.
I get ready and I walk out and I see Jeff sitting on the porch.

"Jeff what are you doing here?."

"I have to tell you something." Jeff stood up from the steps and came up to me.

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