Mia has been best friends with clay and Jeff ever since kindergarten but then Mia develops different new feelings for Jeff after she spends more time with him but she's scared to let Jeff know her true feelings, she's scared that her feelings can ch...
Hannah and I had hot chocolate and surprisingly it was really good just like she said.
"So how was your summer." I said as I took a sip from the hot chocolate.
"It was very interesting." Hannah said.
"Well I've been with Jeff and helping my mom with her garden."
"Wow you had a better summer then me." Hannah said as she tapped her fingers on the mug.
"We should hang out. You know like take a girls day."
"Yea we should." Hannah said smiling.
After our little chat we went our separate ways and I walked home. I saw Jeff on my front porch with a picnic basket in his hands.
"Want to go on a picnic?" Jeff said as he raised the picnic basket.
I smiled and we drove to the mountains where you can see the view of the town.
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Mia_thebest:when the windows are down and your hair goes crazy from the wind. 🖕😑😂 Jeff_atkins, clay_jensen, Hannah_banana, justin_foley and 199 more people liked. Comments: Clay_jensen:😂😂
Hannah_banana: too much damn hair😂 Mia_thebest: I know right😂
Jeff_atkins: I love all that hair😂❤️ Mia_thebest:awe❤️😂 -------------------------------------------------------------- We got to the top of the mountains and sat down and looked at the town. Jeff brought out fruits and sandwiches. We talked and talked and just watched the sunset come.
"Thank you for this perfect night." I said as I put a grape in my mouth.
"You're very welcome." Jeff said smiling.
I gave him a kiss and we just kissed and then kept talking after.
After our picnic Jeff drove me home and gave me a kiss before I got out the car. I watched him drive off and I went in the house and closed the door behind me.
June and July had passed and we were in the middle of august school started Monday and today was Saturday. I got a text from Jessica.
Jessica: hey Mia, you're invited To my back to school party so I Hope you'll be able to make it. The party starts at 7:00 p.m.
Mia: I'm there. Jessica: great see you there Bestie❤️😊 Mia: see ya. -------------------------------------------------------------- I used my moms car to go to the mall and I went to buy some new clothes. I saw clay walking around.
"Clay!" I said as I waved my hand.
Clay walked up to me.
"Hey Mia whatcha doing." Clay said.
"Nothing just a little shopping." I said as I picked a shirt off the rack.
"Same here I just don't know what to get." Clay said looking around.
I looked at the shirts behind him and I grabbed a shirt for him.
"Here how about this." I said as I handed it to him.
"Okay." Clay grabbed the shirt and then I gave him a pair of pants.
"And try these too. They go with the shirt." I said.
"Alright thank you for the advice." Clay said.
"No problem, but I have to go pay for these." I said. Then I walked towards the cash register and bought the clothes and then I left and went home.
It was about nine o clock I was dressed and I waited for Jeff to pick me up. I heard the door bell ring and I opened it. I saw Jeff standing there smiling at me.
We went to the car and we got to Jessica's house. There were people dancing and having a good time. Jeff and I walked in and people greeted us.
I went to go get a drink and I went outside in the yard where the boys were playing beer pong and Jeff was watching them play. I saw Hannah and clay talking and I smiled at them until Jeff came to me.
"Our little man is finally growing up." Jeff said wiping his fake tears off.
I laughed a little. "I told him to get that outfit maybe it's the clothes." I said giggling.
"Probably or maybe he grew some balls to talk to her." Jeff said as he took a sip of his drink.
"Maybe he did grow balls."
"Every time you see them talking to each other you always smile." Jeff said.
"Because it makes me happy to see him being happy with a girl he really loves." I said as I kept staring at them.
"Well it makes me happy to be with the girl I love." Jeff said.
"And who is that." I said blushing.
"That would be you." Jeff wrapped his arms around me and he kissed my cheek.
I started to blush and I turned around and kissed him.
"I love you Jeff." I said.
"I love you more Mia." Jeff said as he kissed me again.
Hours passed by and the party was almost to an end I haven't seen Hannah and clay but I hope they're together.
Jeff and I were just sitting down talking to each other. I turned around and I saw clay walking down and he left the party without even saying goodbye. Jessica and justin went upstairs and I was happy he found Jessica.
I stood on the couch and talked to Jeff. Another hour passed by and Hannah came downstairs she looked sick and drunk. Sheri took her home. I stood there for another hour and people were still partying but it was only a couple people left at the house. Jeff and I left and were driving home. We drove until another car came our way.