Chapter 6

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The rest of the day pass as slowly as i imagined , i have a big headache and forgot to carry some panadols with me. As soon as i get home i search for the medican. I take two pills and swallow them along with some water.

I prop down on the sofa ,i don't feel like doing the assigments right now.

i grab my mobile and search for Katy's contact. i find her in my favourites list and press the dial touch button. Several rings pass by before she answers

" sorry for before " she rushes

" hello to you too " i smile at the her laughing sound , i could already imagine her cross legged , a pencil in her mouth trying to figure out what the assigment is all about.

" i mean it , i shouldn't have treated you like a baby , i did that for your own good tough " i frown at the confusion , burrying my eyebrows

" my own good? " i ask , not really caring if my mum is listening or eavesdropping , we're not discussing anything wrong.

" yeah , i know somethimes you could be sensitive ... even for bad words" she replies

" that's silly Kat , you know that's not true "

i can sense her shrugging and twisting her lips.

" can i talk to you ?" she asks quitly , as if she's trying not to be heard.

" you already are " i tease playfully.

" no , like in private " i check around me and call for mum

i hear a distance respond , indicating she's far .

" ok "

" well i'm not sure if you're gonna like thi-"

" Kat what did you do " i sigh sinking down on the couch

" i didn't do anything , i promise! "

"ok than , what's wrong? "

" you're still on the road for modeling , ehh?" she asks , of coarse i am , and nothing and no - one is gonna change that , my future depends on that and i'm not giving up for anything.

" yeah "

"great! So you probably know that you need a little knowing , to .... to be able to achieve " she exlaims , trying to explain something i have no - idea about what that could be about .

"yess.." i say , making her go on

" please hear me out before you say anything "

"okay " let's see what's up that mind of hers now

she takes a big breath before continuing

" Because we are close and you have done many things for me , my mum talked to simon " she begins , what? what does this  has to do with me , i'm not going for no X-factor , let's cross hands that this isn't the case.

" and , well they both agreed that , One direction , y'know my favourite band , had decreased a little in popularity , so good for them and for you " my heart already started dying slowly , what is going on now! God why does this has to be with that damn of a band!

" you should ' fake ' date one of them " she finishes breathing heavily on the phone

Date??! This is worse than being on the X-factor

"Kat nonono " i shake my head furiosly

" why no? Imagine Jenn , you 'll be famous , and company's will want you. "

I break into a daydream of what possible things could happen due the fake dating , it's horrible really , but she has a point , i could gain a little popularity and will sucess more in life , maybe.

" what about collage ?" i ask

" well you can be excused and i don't think this year there will be any tours " she explains

I rest my head on the sofa top and sigh

" Do i have too?" i ask sweetly

" yes " i sigh once more and say nothing

" and you can't date Zayn , Liam and Louis coause they're taken , unfortanutely"

" is zayn the one with curly hair and liam the blonde one?" i ask , beilive me , if i say i don't care i mean i absolutely know nothing.

" no! Niall is the blonde one and Harry is the curly head , and those are the two which are single , hopefully"

" oh, but why don't You date them " i say emphanising the you

"it's not that easy Jenn and if i ever date one of them , i don't want it to be fake" oh , not fake ... i get it , she wants to marry one of them and live happily ever after , as if that sh*t exists

" Can you come over ?" i ask hopefully

" yeah sure , i'll be there in 10 minutes , i'll come by pass " and witg that the call ends

I close my eyes and inhale deeply trying to relaxe

I informed mum that Katy is on her way here and asked her if Katy's mum talked to her lately.

she replied with a simple ' no '

and going back on what she was doing.

The bell rings ,indicating Kat is here.

I slowly stagger to the door twisting the door knob . Katy enters imidiately without asking for permission and sits on th couch.

" decided yet?" she asks

i fury my eyebrows in confusion

" if you're gonna date Harry or Niall" she continues

" no "

" i personally think that you would go with Liam but well he's taken sooo-" she pulls a thinking face and pretend to rub her imaginary beard.

Liam? the one with black hair and a beard?

" Second choice ... Niall , but you gotta decide , which one do you prefer?"

" who's Liam?"

" the hot one with brown hair , brown eyes " she informs

" sooo whooo?"

" i hate them all" i tell her sitting near her.

Heyy , i think i worked the most hard on this chapter so you better comment :p hope you like it :) are you surprised about the fake dating? I didn't give you any hints in the previosly chapters so it would be a surprise :)) thxxxx .. pls vote and Comment!

Stay beautiful and Smile budds :)) <3

Cody xx

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