Chapter 17

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Hey guys, thanks for the comments :)

Hope you like it :


"and look who's here" someone says from behind me




Right now,i hope it's Santa.

I turn around and face the one and only Matthew...Yaay..

"What do you want?"Hannah immediatly asks

He ignores her and start eyeing Katy up and down.

"Now that's what i call hot" he says to his group of friends , indicating to Katy.

Katy smirks and i roll my eyes.

"Just leave us alone" Hannah puffs out.

"That won't do"

"Han, don't give him what he needs"i whisper

She nodds, seconds later going up to one of Matthew's friends, and whisper something in his ear.He nodds cheerfully and they back away from us , going on the disco lights.

Good job Han, but what about me?

Matthew watches them dissapear with narrow eyes. He gives me a glare and turn his gaze on Katy.

"Wanna dance?" he asks smirking

"Fine by me" she answers , and they disappear aswell.

I akwardly smile at the other boys, hoping that one of them ask me to dance.

But today nothing's going my way. They wander off the opposite direction i am standing.

"Great"i murmer to myself. Am i that ugly?

I make my way back to the bar , hoping the nice guy would be there.

No luck,instead of him was another guy with a grey beard.

I began losing my patience. The girls bought me here, and they ditched me.Twice.I sigh angrily and keep staring at my phone, hoping time would hurry up.

"Still got no one to dance with?" A male voice , which i recognize from before startle me

"Again! Why do you keep doing that?"

He laughs and take a seat besides me"you're easy to scare"

"Ha ha very funny"

He smiled and looked down at his hands.

"Where are those other two?"

"You mean my friends? Dancing with some random guys" Not so random

"Y'know i just finished work"he tilts his head to the agen man"and if i go home, i'd be bored, so, if you always want to, um, do you want to dance? I mean if your boyfriend would be angry at that it's okay i can-"

"Sure"i say all cheerfully, finally someone asked me.

"You're sure?"

"Yup , c'mon" i lead him to the crowded place where people dance.

I encourage him to dance , and i try to keep up with the fast beat.

"So ,what's your name?" I ask , shouting over the loud music.

He pushes his dark hair from his face" Mike , you?"

"Jennifer" i reply" nice to meet you"


A girl pushed me accidentaly , you except me to fall on Mike and he would catch me romantically or something But nooo, i had to fall face first on the floor!

"Oow"i cringe

"Are you alright?" Mike says , panic clearly showimg in his voice, as he helps me up

"Yes yes"i say , rubbing my neck.

"That was a bad fall"

" i know "i say "do you want to exchange numbers?"

"Sure" he smiles taking out his phone.


"Nice meeting you Mike, but i have to go find my friends, it's getting pretty late"i say

"Yeah me too, it was fun talking to you, i'll see you around then, bye "

I give one last smile and go search for Katy and Hannah.

I find katy, making out with someone who happens to be.....ah Matthew, very interesting,not.

I sigh and tap on her shoulders"Kat we have to go"

She groans and stop kissing Matthew

"What now?already!"

"Its 1:42 in the morning!"

"Ugh okay, bye Matt"

"Bye Kat" he bent dow to kiss her.

I turn my face around and see Hannah approaching us. When she does she gasps at the scene infront of us

"I know, disgusting"i speak out.

She nodds and grabs Katy , pulling her out from her kissing fantasy."c'mon let's go"



"He's alright and very flirty and hot and -"

" a playboy"

"No he's not! He's my boyfriend , he can't just-"

"He's your freackng boyfriend?! tell her something Jenn!"

"What? That she can't date? It's up to her"i sigh for the millionth time today


"I'm not encouraging"i pipe in

"See?" Hannah exclaims

Katy glares at me. I raise an eyebrow at her.

"Let's go to sleep" i say , opening the taxi door, i pay the taxi.

"Bye guys , see you on monday!" I say shutting the door behind me

"Bye , good night"they say in unision.


Hey guys , i know the last part isn't good, but please ,do comment, i really appriciate it when you do, thanks everybody.

Good night xxx

Stay beautiful and smile :) xx <3

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