Chapter 2

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"Honey it's college day " my mum softly shook me

i groaned at the sudden movement my mum did , my head is throbbing , the consequence of staying late yesterday night to plan my classes

" already?" i asked hoping she's lying

"yes dear , c'mon or you'll go late "

i sat up straight , giving my mother a small smile. She smiled back exiting my room.

i groaned as my feet touched the cold tile. i hate mornings , i brushed my teeth and gathered my lose hair into a ponytail , i applied a small portion of make-up on my face and dressed up.

I climbed down the stairs , already smelling the delicious smell of my mum's breakfast

"smells good " i say complimenting my mother just to see her smile , i hate it when she cries , it's the saddest scene you can expirience

"Are you excited ?" my mother askes placing a plate infront of me

mmmm sausages , bacon , an egg ..

" are you ?" she aske again staring at me

" yeah , can't wait , i hope Kat is in most of my classes " i answered truthfully

" me too , me too " nodding , my mother began washing the plates

i stuffed the food in my mouth , taking every detail before swallowing it.

" we leave 10 more minutes ok?"

i nodded still chewing my food


we just found a parking space , near enough to college , i could see people talking , gossiping while i texted to Kat to ask her if she already arrived . She replied with a single ' yes ' .

"bye mum " i waved goodbye as walking nearer to the school.

" bye , have fun! "

i checked my first period , revealing i had Maths and after it , English litriture.


i entered the class , students chattering all over the place , i took a seat in the first row near a blonde girl with green eyes. i smiled and she returned it.

" hey i'm Fiona " she introduced herself.


" nice "

i smiled once more and turned forwars as our teacher enter the class

" alright students , welcome back ! now enough chattering , summer's over , my name is M.R Parker "

stop reminding me and start the lesson , let's go over it , not that i hate maths , i like it but Katy is not here. everything is boring witouth her.

i put my hand up for most of the questions trying to get the teacher's attantion.

Finally the first period is over. I take a seat on an empty table, organizing the food properly.

"hey jenny " i look up , meeting a grin and two brown eyes.

"Finally Kat , where have you been ?" i ask as she sits right opposite of me

" in classes , dying " i roll my eyes at her respond, we're totally opposites , that's why we go on so well

" so , how was your first day? hmmm?" she asks taking a big bite from her burger , i pick on some chips and dip them in the ketchup bowl.

" not bad "

she eyes me suspiciosly as she takes another bite

" you're lying "

damn i hate this , she always reads my mind and always guess when i'm lying.

i dropped down my fries , i'm not feeling hungry anymore

"no really , it was - good" i reply trying to make it sound good.

she sighs grabbing a napkin , wiping her mouth , then folding it neatly on the table.

" what's wrong? don't lie to me "

Oh alright , so baisicly i'm fussing over that you're not in class with me , that i'm such a baby

"just missing you " i try to drop the conversation , standing up.

she smiles , standing up near me

"me too" she says as she hugs me

chapter two ready :) hope you like it! pls comment , i really love it when you do :)) bye bye i'll try to upload again this week :)

stay beautiful and smile :)

Cody :D xxx

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