Chapter 15

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"Dinner's ready!" mum yells.

"are you gonna eat with us dad?" i ask , climbing down the stairs, two by two.

"i might as well stay eh, but i don't know if your mother have prepared..."

"of coarse i did" my mothers pipe in, rather happy. I lift an eyebrow at her and she shrug back.

I sit across my father , near my mother . My mum serves the plate infront of us, a chicken wrap with salad. I lick my lips and start cutting the wrap into tiny pieces.

"Thix i dulux!" my father announces , only to be blocked from the mouth in his food, which make him pronounce it differently,

I can't help but laugh. I resemble my father for looks, but my character is mostly my mother's , both stubburn as usual.

"Thanks" my mother says facing down. And suddenly i'm back in years, imagining my parents on their first date, both a little akward , like the situation i'm facing right now.

I hurry up with my food, wanting to give my parents a little alone time.

"So Jenn, was i imaging or was it you on the celebrity newspaper?"my father suddenly asks

If i had any water i would have spit it all on my parents but since i'm not drinking right now...they're lucky.

"uuhh i think you misunderstood-" i began

"yes it was her" my mother finishes with a sigh.

I look at her, giving the -Why-did-you-tell-him-?!- look, she ignores me and looks at my father.

"you are dating a celebrity?" my father jumps to conclusion

"it's Fake!" i stand up , with my hands slammed to the table.

My mother's eyes widen , but my father kept calm. He looked at mum with a questining look.

"sorry" i mumble and sit down again.

my father nodds, wanting an explanation .My mother begins from the top and finishes moments later.

"i think it's reasonable" Dad speaks up after the explanation "it will help you, for sure"

Before i could reply at his comment his phone rings.

"excuse me"and he stands up from the table.

I sigh and look at my mother, losing my apetite.

"That was Sara, better be going, thanks for the dinner -"

"You have a girfriend?" i ask, not so politely, so much for the alone time

"uh yes , i should go-"

"You prefer Spending time with her than with your own family?" i say angrily

"Jenn it's okay"My mother reassures

"Nothing's Okay!!" i shout , pushing myself from the table." i sure hope she makes you happy, knowing that we aren't enough"

and with that i strom up the stairs, not caring if i left my father gasping and my mother not knowing what to do.I slam the door shut and collapse on my bed , errapting in sobs.

I hear the outside door shut,guessing Dad left.I let out a shaky breath, grabbing my pillow and squeez it in my arms.

Just as my eyes began to feel feel heavy my phone beeps, indicationg i have a messege.

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