Chapter 20

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Hey guys, Dry Tears reached 1K reads and i wanted to tell you a big Thanks , you're the best.
So i've didn't upload in while, school stuff stress you out . :(
Anyways enjoy xx

She took a long breath and sang the last line as high as she could. I would clap , but my mother is far from being good at singing, instead i just laughed at her. Somehow we got bored at the park so we came back to our home, with a couple of hours left of freedom , my mum wanted to sing. And here she is, piercing my ears.

"Mum please, just stop"

"What? Don't you like my singing?" She gives  me a dumb look, if i don't know my mother inside out , i would have assumed she really tought she could sing.

"No" i stated simply

In return for my honesty i recieve a pout.

I crack one more smile and rest my head against the the sofa.

"So, do you have any plans with your boyfriend?"My head springs up at her questin "what?"

"Your boyfriend, that cute boy...the blond one, don't you know your own-"

"He's not my boyfriend!" I argue standing up from my comfortable position.

"Close to it" So she's challenging me? I cross my arms over my chest and rest my bodyweight one one leg.

"Actually very far from it"

"I don't think so"

"I know my own life , thank you very much"

"And i know my daughter very well, like every mother does" i set my lips in a line. My mother reflects my position.

"I really hate him!"I confront after a while

"He seems nice" she mentions quietly" and don't judge people on first impressions" Anger flares up in me. How dare she.

"You haven't even met him!" I burst out , my hands doing action infront of me. I look at my mother's expression, realizing i went too far. I try to calm down , once again crossing both arms over my chest.

"I'm going in my room" My lips said that, but my mind wasn't there. Her words kept replaying in my head don't judge people on first impressions yes she has a point...but i met Niall more than once...and neither of them had ended good.

Boys and their problems. I sigh and switch on my computer.

After it loads i click on the Internet buttton and then typing omegel.

I'm not sure why i'm on omegle but i feel like i need to take my mind off things. So why not laugh a little?

I insert Friends as a subject. Again i'm not sure why i did that subject.

You are chatting with a random stranger.Say hi!
You both like friends.

Me:how are you?
Stranger:been better before....asl?

I wrecked my brain trying to understand what it meant.


Me: 18 and a female

I didn't want to give my location away. Yes, its anonymus but i still be careful.
Stranger: I'm shovel \ dirt

I glared at the screen. Okay, maybe i wasn't an expert in these , but i still knew he/she is messing with me.
Me: excuse me?
Stranger: I'm a shovel get over it.
Me:um i dont understand you
Stranger: ok so now ur making fun of me
Me: What? I dont even know what you're talking about!

So now i've got the feeling he's a guy...maybe shovel is refering to his-
Stranger: they say my handle is too small

Ok that's enough.
Me: Good for you
Stranger: so u r offending me!
Me: i only understand human language -_-
Stranger : you liar
Me: Bye

You disconnected

I shake my head with disapprovel. Maybe i have to losen a little bit, they won't know who i am.

I pressed the button but this time the stranger talked first

Stranger: Hey M 23
Me: hi
Stranger: what's up
Me : nothing much, darling

I'm such a liar
Stranger: How old are you?

I decide to have some fun
Me: 69 dear

I laugh out aloud at my own joke
Stranger: then you must be sexy ;)

I spit on my computer screen , eeww. I wipe it with my sleeve
Me: yes very, kids these days have no control on their language

I smile at my comment

He replies nothing so i continue
Me: i'm pregnant
Stranger: That's interesting, do you have skype?
Me: what is skype?
Stranger: an app where we could see eachother...make one ;)

I took time to reply, pretending that i'm creating a new account
Me: done dear
Stranger: whats ur user?
Me: Hotmamaloves69

I invent the name as i go along...finally cracking a smile.
Me: i'll be ready for you honey :*

You disconnected

I sigh happily and go through the chat, laughing all along.

Maybe this omegle isn't that bad.

Hey guys :)
Hoped you like it :)
Thanks for reading!
Ly all xxx :)

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