Chapter 16

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Hey guys, thanks for the reads :) especially on 'You What!?'I can't believe it! 14.5k is amazing guys! I can't thank you enough <3 okay go on and read , ly all :*

The first half was including people laughing in the theatre,and we were three of them. When Hazel bumped int Gus , Katy grabbed my hand saying: He's so hot, what's his name?

I just laughed at her and motioned i'll tell her later. The popcorn was slowly decreasing , and by half time my mouth was already screaming with saltiness.

But the second half was completely different.I had prepared my tissues,knowing i was surely gonna cry. And i did, actually us three did.Katy the most, not knowing the story before she saw the movie. At the saddest part , the teenage group who sat near Katy began snickering and talking about nonsense. I tried to block them out, but Katy, being Katy told them to Shut the fuck up.

"i can't watch this" Hannah whispered one time , burrying her wet face in my shoulders.

When the movie finished practically everyone ( and i mean everyone) in the theatre went to the bathroom.

"I shouldn't have done any make-up, look at my face!" Katy whimpers

I look at my reflection in the girl's bathroom mirror. My mascara was smugged under my eyes but my eyeliner,surprisingly, wasn't affected.

I grab a tissue and wipe the mascara under my eyes. I don't look that much like a zombie now. Hannah did the same and then we helped Kat with her make-up.

Katy frowns at her phone "it's still eleven and it's saturday, wanna go somewhere fun?"

"yeah!" Hannah reply's instantly before i could warn her.

"I don't like your defination of fun" i say towards Katy.

She smiles evil like "well are you going home , alone? with nothing to do?"

"yes i did that before , i could-"

"nop you young lady are coming with us,i never heard a teenager complain on being out on a saturday night!" Hannah says, grabbing my arm , not letting me out of her grip.

"do i have to?" i pout

"yes" Hannah pulls out her tounge and Katy follows her actions.

"If i have to, okay then" i say with a sigh.Hannah losses her grip on me.

"i wanna go to club, i know one that's close ,c'mon" Katy motions with her arms that we should follow.

A club with these clothes? Katy looks approprite for a club, even hannah looks okay, but me? I was told i was going to a movie...only.

I sigh and follow Katy, now there's no way back.


We make way through the sweaty bodies , dancing together, well i don't think dancers dance so close together.

We finally make it to the bar.

"What do you want to order?" A boy, maybe a little bigger than us , says smiling.

Kat immediatly orders alchahol, Hannah ordering the same after a few seconds.

His gaze fell on me"uh i'll have some coke please" i smile

"Jenn, we're at a club not a 5'th birthday party" Katy frowned.

"you order what you like,and i order what i want"

The bartender nodds and dissapears behind the bar.

Hannah stiffens near me " i'll be right back" she says , walking towards the crowd, mixing with them and disappears.

"okay sure" Katy says, a little too late.The bartender returns with our drinks.

"i'll give that to Hannah" Katy informs him, grabbing her drink in the other hand.

i nodd and she too disappears.

I grab my coke and take a sip. Nothing to do, i check my mobile for any missed calls or texts. None..strange,usually my mother always calls when i'm not at home.

To make sure everything alright, i send her a reassuring text.

'Hey mum, i'm out with Katy and a friend of ours, you alright?'

I recieve mum's reply instantly

'okay honey , have fun, be back by 2 the latest okay?"

'Thanks Mum , love you xx '

I put away my phone and stare at the lively crowd.

"Don't you want to go and dance with the others?"

I jump off my stool and look behind me , finding the earlier guy who served us

"Do you want me to have a heart attack?" i exclaim, my hands in the air.

"no no , you're still young"I laugh at that and sit down again

"about the earlier questin, the thing is , i kinda have no one to dance with-"

"you seriously don't have a boyfriend?" he says cutting me off,than realizing what he said, his cheeks start to redden " i mean , you should have, not that i'm offending you , but you're pretty and-"

I laugh to make him feel less akward

"calm down, i have a boyfriend" i take another sip. "you sure this thing isn't poisoned?"

Why am i talking rubbish? i sound like i'm drunk. oh god -

"i hope not" he smiles.

"and why is that?" i ask, raising an eyebrow, i relax my head on my palm, which is resting on the bar.

"as i said, you're too young to die" he teases. His blue eyes are really peircing, if i could have known any better i would think they're glowing.

He coughs akwardly as a women in her early 30's sit besides me.

"yes?" he asks. Before she could answer him back i wave to him , he waves back ,seconds later talking to the woman again.

I stand up turn on my heels , take a long breath and go in the crowd.I try to push towards the direction Katy and Hannah went but get no luck. I elbow myself in, finally making it . I look around the place, trying to seek Katy's or Hannah's face.

I spot Katy's dress and walk near her.She didn't even notice me, she was talking to Hannah.

"Where have you been?"i ask crossing my arms over my chest.

"I found my brother here!"Hannah exclaims angrily ..and her brother is Matthew. Oh god why him

I try to act as if it isn't bothering me "so?"

"So?? He lied to my parents! He said he was going to a party!"

"He's hot" katy blurted.

"Did she drink alot?" i ask Hannah

"I think so" she answers

"no more drinking for you miss" i order Kat, taking away her drink for her hand.It was useless ,the glass was empty.

"and look who's here" Someon says from behind me.

Heeey Guuyss! So tomorrow i can't upload , i'm gonna be busy the whole day ...but i uploaded all of this week's days ,so if i miss tomorrow it's not a big deal.

If you're wandering why i'm uploading everyday , the reson is: next week ( less than a week) i'm gonna start school :( and by then , i can't upload frequently so i'm making up to it now.

Hope you like this chapter :)

p.s my friend @gretil01 is writing a new story...go check it out :)

Byeee! Ly all

xx :)

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