Chapter 4

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heyy hope ya like it :) :p

"oh my gosh , Jen!" she yells at the top of her lungs

"what?" my head propps up from behind the sofa

"look" she comands , her eyes glued on the t.v screen

there was a stage and 4 people sitting behind a table with a lot of audience in the background

"it's their turn! "  she jumps excitely , her phone never leaving her hand

"whose turn ??" i ask not really caring

she looks at me with a serious expresion shaking her head slightly

" one direction , my mum's cousin made them" she explains

"oh those " i say " no biggie "

her eyes widen and i notice her lips went in a straight line

" whatever ,i get the idea , what does this have to do with me?"  i ask biting my naills , a bad habit of mind

"nothing , i just tought that , um maybe you'll have intereset in them " she shrug not guessing my state towards them

" well no , i don't like them " i say , she rolls her eyes and mutters something under her breath

i riase an eyebrow but she just smiles and wonder off into the kitchen

My eyes open as i sit up straight on my bed , i shake my head regards the flashback ,i decied that i'll ignore the hate towards them for today to focus on college. No i never met them and beilive me i don't want to , but they are the most famous idols for Kat , and i hate that , she changed alot due them . She's spending more time gossiping on them than hanging with me and i hate that . And i still never told her that.

My mum enters the room and smiles as soon as she see that i'm awake

" oh , you are up already " she states still smiling

" yes mum , i'll be down in a minute " i reply as i get off my bed , arranging the covers politely

" ok , i'll be downstairs if you need anything"

i nod quietly and yawn for some seconds stretching my arms

she exits the room and i continue the normal ruitine after i wake up

i wear a white plain shirt with a cute red crop cartigian on it , tieing the strings , a dark blue skinny jeans and a red converse.

i head downstairs and finish my plate in seconds

My mobile flashes , indicating it's fully charged.

i unplug it and slide it in my jeans pocket on my tigh


i hear footsteps and my wonderful mum appears from behind the wall

" you look lovely " i compliment

" same dear" i take the keys from the kitchen table and we head for the outside door.

I enter the physics class and shut the door quitly. the room is nearly empty , as i guessed i'm still early.

i take a seat in the middle row and place my bag right next to my feet.

" hello there" a voice frightened me making me jump a little.

i turn my head to face the same male as yesterday , the one with brown eyes

" aww is the little girly scared?" he says laughing

" no i'm not " i glare at him , ignoring the other students staring at me

" yeah right " he snorts

" atleast i'm not the one who entered late in class and made a teacher hate you "i blurt out , my mouth moving before my mind

he sends me a glare

oops .

a brunette disturbs the akward tension between us

" Mat stop teasing girls , for god's sake " she puffs flicking her beautiful brown hair behind her shoulder

" Go mind your own buisness " maybe  she's his Girlfriend or ex? poor her.

she rolls her eyes and smiles at me

"hey i'm Hannah, nice to meet you " she offers me her hand as i gladfully shake it

"Jennifer Smith"

he snorts and after a few seconds laughs

i try not to looked defeated as hannah looks at me

" don't listen to my brother , he's annoying"

ohh so she's his sister , ok so now i give in the resemblance , both dark hair , both brown eyes , same height

" but you're so different , like in character " i say smirking so he could notice im judging him

" i know " she smiles showing her perfect teeth

heyy , i know this is sooo short but my friend (hannah) kept persueding me to upload , so here it is. hope you liked it :pp im sorry again , i'll upload next friday , hopefully :)) thxxx :)) :pp


Cody xx stay beautiful and smile :D xx

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