Chapter 24

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I'm seriously thinking about coming out to my parents. My mom kinda knows (and is actually quite supportive), but idk how to come out to a homophobic dad.


"Brendon, wait!" Patrick shouted, running after his best friend, making Pete run after the both of them.

"Pat!" Pete yelled.

He ignored Pete, running faster after Brendon. Damn that boy and his long spider legs.

Pete finally caught up with Patrick (for multiple reasons, the most obvious being his little legs) and grabbed his arm, pulling him back.

"Ow! What the fuck, Pete?" Patrick yelled, not even caring that they were so close to the school building that other students were staring. "I almost caught up with him!"

"No, you didn't, Pat," Pete said, mildly amused. His teasing tone just seemed to piss Patrick off more.

"You're not funny!" he seethed. He turned back around and ran through the building's front doors.

"Dammit, Patrick," Pete grumbled to himself.


"Ryan?!? Ryan?!?" Brendon repeatedly screamed once he was in the boy's bathroom. There were tears starting to form in his eyes. "Ryan, please!" He fell to the floor, letting the tears go and sobbing as he felt his legs go weak. As soon as he quieted his sobs to take a breath, he heard whimpering. His heart leaped.

The bathroom door flung open, slamming against the wall, making the sink mirror shake.

"Where's Ryan?" Patrick asked urgently.

"I don't know," Brendon whispered weakly.

"Bren, we have to find him!"

"You think I don't know that?!?" Brendon screamed in frustration, pissing Patrick off even more.

"Fine! Fuck you too! Find your damn boyfriend on your fucking own!" Patrick stormed out of the bathroom.

"Patrick!" Pete pleaded, grabbing onto Patrick's gray hoodie sleeve.

"Let me go!" he screamed at Pete with a red face, making him immediately let go.

Pete watched Patrick storm out of the building, practically fuming. He needed to find Brendon. He ran around the corner and into the bathroom, flinging the door open again.

Brendon was now only half-visible from the door. Pete ran over to him, putting his hand over his mouth in horror when he saw his best friend on the floor of the bathroom stall.




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