Chapter 26

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"Get out of my sight, you heartless bastard," Brendon growled, watching Dallon storm out.

Brendon had somehow managed to get his boyfriend back on his feet as they slowly walked out to the parking lot. Pete decided to try and let Brendon handle the situation because he was Ryan's boyfriend, after all.

Ryan hissed in pain, making Brendon's head snap up in worry. "Shit. Are you alright?" his worried boyfriend asked quickly.

Ryan whimpered. "M'fine."

The boys finally made it out to Josh's car. Brendon helped Ryan into the backseat, crawling in after him. Pete climbed into the passenger seat, waiting for Josh to pull out of the parking lot.

"Did we even notify anyone we were leaving?" Pete chuckled.

Ryan, although in pain, giggled softly.

Brendon looked over at the hurt boy in awe. He admired the way his face was still beautiful, no question. He grabbed Ryan's hand as they were going down the road.

Ryan opened his eyes slowly, smiling softly. He intertwined their fingers.

The car slowed to a stop, making Pete look at Josh like he was crazy. "Are you joking?" Pete asked, unamused.

"You need to talk to him, Pete!" Josh said like it was obvious.

"He hates me! He doesn't want me coming to his house!"

"No. Patrick is a soft creature that is incapable of hate," Ryan mumbled.

Pete groaned, steeping out of the car.

"There you go, bud!" Josh encouraged.

"Shut up, Josh," Pete grumbled as the car drove away.


Pete knocked on the door slowly, hearing soft rustling coming from inside the house. He felt the insecure and anxious as he stood there, waiting for Patrick to answer.

The door opened. "Yes?" Patrick sniffled, face red.

Pete frowned. "Are you alright?"

Patrick rolled his eyes. "Oh, yeah. I'm dandy," he said in a nasally voice.

"I'm sorry, Pat."

"Don't be sorry." Patrick sighed.

Pete started to tear up, making Patrick wrap his arms around him immediately.

"I love you, Pete."

"I love you too, 'Trick."



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