Chapter 25

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I'm thinking about making a book with pictures of my bullshit drawings in it. It kinda seems like a bad idea but idk. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Pete stood in shock at the condition of his best friend.

Ryan's face was all different shades of blue and purple. Maybe even some green and hints of yellow. His nose and lip were busted, the blood dried and was now caked on the corners of his mouth and a small trail leading from his nose.

"Oh my god!" Brendon cried, scrambling to get to Ryan's side. He grabbed Ryan's face, making him groan in pain.

"Ow, Bren, it hurts. It hurts so bad," Ryan whimpered out.

"Baby, it's gonna be okay. I'm here now," Brendon cooed.

Ryan nodded, wincing after he realized how much it hurt to move.

"Get Dallon," Brendon grumbled.

"What?" Pete asked, unable to understand what Brendon said.

"Go fucking get Dallon!" Brendon screamed angrily.

Pete flinched, startled by Brendon's outburst. He only nodded, running to the door.

Brendon cradled Ryan's head in his arms while he whispered that everything was going to be fine.


"Dallon Weekes!" Pete screamed, running down the hallway. He stopped when he saw Dallon leaned against the lockers, smirking evilly. "You bitch!" Pete pointed accusingly at Dallon, walking up to him.

"I didn't do anything, Wentz," Dallon said amusedly.

"You lying little fucker!" Pete was nothing in height compared to Dallon, but he acted like he was ten feet tall. "What did you do?!?"

"I told you." He rolled his eyes. "I didn't do shit." He leaned down to Pete so he could get into his face. "In fact, I don't even know what you're talking about," he whispered.

Pete was so mad that he couldn't even think straight (hehe). He slapped Dallon straight across the face.

Dallon made a noise of surprise and slowly turned his red face back to Pete. "What the fuck was that?" he asked slowly.

"Why so surprised, Weekes?" Pete asked innocently. "Not the first time you've been slapped this week." Pete smirked as Dallon's face

"You're fucking dead."

"Yeah, maybe later, but we have a more serious issue, asshole. Ryan's bleeding, and we know you had something to do with it," Pete growled.

"Mhm," Dallon rolled his eyes, "I know. Just his man—I mean boy—period." He snickered.

Pete huffed and grabbed Dallon's arm, twisting it as he led him to the bathroom.

"Ow! What the fuck!"

"Oh, shut up, you baby," Pete grumbled.

"Hey, Pete—oh shit," Josh laughed out. "What's with the mut?" He smirked.

"Follow us to the bathroom."

"Hey, yo, sorry, Petey, but I'm kinda in a committed thingy with Tyler—"

"Josh, come on!" Pete sighed.

"Damn, okay then." Josh held up his hands in defense and followed them.

"Look at Ryan," Pete said, throwing Dallon on the ground.

Josh's eyes widened. "Holy shit—"

"There's the cumwad who fucking hurt my boyfriend!" Brendon yelled, quickly standing up. Ryan groaned, making Brendon quickly curse and say sorry.

"Seems like your bitch needs some help, better get on that." Dallon smirked.

"Oh, hell no," Josh said through gritted teeth.

"Back off, Josh. He's mine," Brendon grumbled.

"Oh yeah?" Dallon raised an eyebrow amusedly.

Brendon made a face. "Fuck off, no. By the way, Ryan's pretty good at sucking my dick." Brendon smirked.

"You know you wanted that to be me."

"I always would've passed," Brendon said, sounding bored.

"I'm gonna kill you, Urie."



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